Saturday Prayers - Consecrating our Children

10:47 AM
SATURDAY Prayers - The Church honors the Blessed Virgin Mary. Offer your children in consecration to Mary, our mother.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, help me in all my problems. Help me to attain and practice all the virtues so that I may become more like you. Show me how to train my children to be worthy children of God.

Let me be kind and loving, but keep me from foolish indulgence. Pray for my children, dear Mother. Pray they never lose their faith or leave Holy Mother Church. Keep them from all danger, especially from spiritual danger. Help them to become virtuous citizens of their country, but let them not forget the Kingdom of God.

Jesus of Bethlehem, make my children love each other and their home. Help them to work and pray together in holy peace. Holy family of Nazareth, be with us all, father, mother and children all the days of our lives. Help our home to be a “little Nazareth."

I humbly greet thee, faithful Guardian Angels of my children. I give thee heartfelt thanks for all the love and goodness you show them. Continue to watch over them. Provide for all their needs of body and soul. Pray also for me, my husband, and for my whole family, that we may all one day rejoice in thy blessed company in Heaven.

Blessed Mother Mary, guide us in our prayers for the vocations of our children. If their vocation be to the religious life, pray they answer quickly and faithfully. If their vocation be marriage, please protect and guide their future spouse. May they meet each other at the altar of God pure and undefiled.

Oh Mary, my Queen and my Mother, to Thee I confide the children God has entrusted to me. While they are young, provide for them safety of body, mind and heart. When I shall no longer be with them, when the responsibilities and greater temptations of life shall be theirs, pray dear Mother for them, keep them always close to your most loving heart. Be with my children when the angel of death hovers near. I beg Thee to take my children into eternity in the arms of Thy loving providence so that forever they may praise the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


  1. Allison, this is absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for posting it. I am going to print it out and try to remember to say it each day.

    God bless,

  2. Thank you for posting this beautiful prayer Allison. I will make use of it. Do you know that my mother still has the statue of the Virgin Mary and Child that you have pictured above? It sits on top of her dresser, right next to the family Bible. Someday, it will be mine, but I hope not for a very long time...
    Have a blessed Sunday

  3. Joyce, mine was my Nana's...and I did not want to inherit it as soon as I did....

    I am glad you and Lisa both liked the Saturday prayer.

    Once I saw a painting of Our Lady, baby Jesus and birds, like this. I think it is the inspiration for this? I'm still trying to find the title...


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