Revolutionary Objectors, Rebels of Love

Today it is not enough for men and women to be good. Moreover, whoever is content to be nearly good, is not good enough! It is necessary to be revolutionary. Faced with hedonism, faced by the pagan and materialistic wares that we are being offered, Christ wants objectors — rebels of love!”
St. Josémaria Escriva

Taking it apart.

"Not enough to be good." We should all go beyond good...beyond the bare minimum to offer our best. We need to examine our motives for not giving our BEST to God.

"Be revolutionary," how radical is radical enough for Christ? What insult, what criticism would you not take for the tenets, the beliefs of your faith? Do you stand for something or do you easily give up? Are you committed to the Good, the True and the Beautiful?

"Objectors - rebels of love," yes...we must object to evil and love enough to educate others in a way that brings them to revelation.

A 180.

Let's be "revolutionary objectors and rebels of love" by making sure we get others to watch this video consider a 180 from worldly thinking.

Lord, help us take a step to direct our lives from good to best.


  1. Isn't that just the neatest video? It's so amazing to see people come to logical thinking right before our eyes!!

  2. You are so right, my friend! I am going to watch this with my husband tonight. I have heard so much about it. Thanks for sharing the link.

    God bless,

  3. I was amazed at the complete turn around of these people after a little explanation and prompting by this man. It's an example of all the ways in which people can form opinions about something simply because they are inunformed of the truth! thanks for sharing. love the picture of your children. and i love the call to action of st. JoseMaria Escriva's quote.

  4. You know what was astounding throughout that movie, was how calm he remained, even with Mr. Mohawk. I know I wouldn't have been able to carry out that conversation.

    Amazing movie. Thank you.

  5. I saw this on Jamie's blog . . . and we discussed it in the car on the way somewhere after . . . I tell you what, logic is lost on most of us until someone brilliantly leads us there . . . They aren't teaching LOGIC any longer in school so it takes someone like this to fire us up!

  6. Oh, oh, I've been hearing about this! Thanks for posting it here:)

  7. Lub the picture of your beautiful children under the protective mantel of our Blessed Lady.

    When will the evil of abortion end? So many hearts need to do a 180. So many.

    I was once on the other fence. More of a lukewarm soul then anything. I was not properly taught and also my parents divorce ripped my world apart. Very lucky to be on the side of the Lord.


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