Wordless Wednesday - Ice Hockey


  1. Great photos of your son, Allison! We don't have access to that sport but I admire the hard work and skill it must take:)

  2. What a great experience, and these are fantastic photos! One of my favorite players, ever - Saku Koivu - is Finnish. I hope everyone had a great time!

    My friend Laura from Day by Day in Our World directed me this way - I am a huge hockey fan, and a traditional Catholic. How did I not find your blog before? it's nice to meet you!

  3. Thanks Tiffany and Catherine.

    Catherine you sound like you really know Hockey and I read that you've played it too! Good for you!

    I like to take photos of my boys, but I don't know alot about the game.

    We've been attending the TLM for about 6 years now...how about you?


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