IHM Conference - A Homeschooler Speaks

This young homeschooler, just 6 years old and recent 1st grade grad, made some strong points in promoting homeschooling at the National Conference.

My notes from her "talk," caught live.

Homeschooling is hard

Turn phones off

Parents would miss their kids if they were gone all day

Practice patience and obedience

Brothers can be very hard

long school days are made longer by homework

Homeschooling has quicker days


You can sleep later in homeschool, be less grumpy

But you can't just play and walk away

Seems like homeschooling may assist in self-confidence and the ability to construct an argument with supporting points?!

All in all, an excellent analysis on the joys inherent in homeschooling.


  1. She's so sweet and very well composed for being only six years old. That takes a lot of courage to get up and speak before a crowd.

    As an aside, do let her know that school buses do have seat belts (at least the ones in our area do) and wearing them is actually part of the rules for riding the bus in some districts.

  2. Hi Karen! Thanks for visiting and commenting.

    We had entered a conference room before the speaker and attendees and she was "pretending" just to us. That's why she runs at the end, as someone enters. But she is chatty and does have the courage to talk to anyone, unlike her big brothers who are more reserved.

    I am glad to hear about seatbelts, but I don't think we have them in our school buses. Always seemed odd so glad to hear it's not that way everywhere.

    God bless you and your family. I'm glad you found my blog so I could, in turn, find yours!


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