Now, the Vatican speaks-LIVE Bloggers Meeting

9:18 AM
At the second part of the meeting a table from the Vatican spoke, some quotes/notes...

MODERATOR: Dr. P. Antonio Spadaro S.J.
- "The Church needs to listen. ...Blogs are grassroots based, bottom up. We need to increase our knowledge and awareness of each other."

Father P. Federico Lombardi S.J., Vatican Press Office, Vatican Radio - " In this room I have felt an intense atmosphere of personal communications.... This Pope is very willing to any means of communication. ...Bloggers are important for the Church and society....The Church has to communicate with it's 7:30 am after Mass I find a small summary of a few pages from bloggers, I was helped a lot by bloggers...We've tried to share information on Facebook....I would like to thank you, I am very grateful for the help I get from blogs for the effort to present the Pope's position (referring to MSM's misrepresentation on Pope's condom comments)...and a 2nd thank you that I feel part of a borderless community...heard this word ego mentioned in first session, I've pondered this mention of ego, I am an enemy of the ego and I feel I am at the service of people full time - mutual respect..."
Father Lombardi above and Tom Peters, AmericanPapist and below.

Comment from Tom Peters, American Papist - "Greater access to media advances before MSM,...a fruit of this coming together I hope will allow us the same or more time to prepare analysis of controversial releases." (applause)
Fr.Lombardi responds - "On speed and possibility of access, a challenge. We give same info out to everyone. What perhaps we should pay more attention to is our relationship with offices of social communications and offices of Bishops. You point has been taken but it is at an international level. Thank you very much for that question; I have heard it before."

P. Lucio Ruiz, Vatican website - "Internet office 15 years setup, created by Blessed JPII our role is provide internet services to the whole of the Holy See. Why doesn't it have an email, why doesn't it have a blog? The Churches wealth communicates to different realities. We have to ensure that the Pope stays the Pope to all peoples to all languages of the world. Important that the Pope is present in the virtual world. It's not sufficient to say why doesn't he do this or that...door to door communications would not be enrichment but impoverishment. The Pope is our universal pastor and we are all missionaries communicate in a dialogue to the 4 corners of the world."

Thaddeus Jones
- " News.VA preview, it's goal is to gather information, a social platform with latest news, YouTube channel, Twitter, Facebook, radio broadcasting all on the page for sharing content. Live events will be broadcast and you can see how many people are watching. We would like it to have android ability, both social and dynamic. No date yet...coming soon. you may find helpful."

Eva Janosikova, Madrid11 World Youth Day - " We believe blogs can help us reach people. We start with social groups like Facebook, that's where the young people spend their time. We don't know everything,we would like to ask you for help, ideas, suggestions. Do not hesitate to contact us. What can we do with all the people we've gathered after WYD?"

Fr. Marco Sanavio from Padua - "WebPastor website reaches out to families, proper use of social media."

Under Secretary of Pontifical Council for Social Communications - "I thank you on behalf of Cardinal Revasi. We have to listen here, better late than never. We live in a digital age and we want to enter a digital culture and why we're listening to you. What next? When shall we meet again? I am sure the councils will support any intitiatives mentioned here today. We're here to help and support Peter's ministry."

The meeting had a great energy...incredible to be there and even have a few seconds of video of me with Fr. Lombardi of Vatican Press Office! I just can' t get it to load!

And for my husband and kids, an amazing night as well. They ran into a very charming and friendly Michael Voris of RealCatholicTV! They luved meeting him and I hope to tomorrow.


  1. Thanks for sharing this so promptly, Allison. I feel like I was there with your lovely family.

  2. Wow! What a fantastic vacation! Love all the pictures and your descriptions... I'm learning a lot!

  3. I can't believe it! You actually were at the Vatican with a bunch of bloggers! How amazing to be part of this new movement the Church is undertaking.

    I'm your newest follower, having hopped over Day by Day link posted for the "Pay It Forward" blog hop.

    I've only read this one post, but I can tell I'll be a frequent visitor here! Thanks for sharing your great adventure.


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