RomeTravelogue - The Flight

3:51 AM
Planes, trains and automobiles...lots of travel today.

Not a minute down the street from her house did this little one remark, "I'm bored." We all had to laugh knowing what was ahead of us's almost a blur now.

A bright spot for her...WINGS. See them on her shirt by her collar? First time flyer.

It was hard to sleep on the plane. Our seats were near the bathroom and people would congregate there and talk. But thankfully she got a few hours.
Here's a shot from our window as we flew over the French Alps.
I haven't flown lately and these new personal TVs in the seats were great! We luved looking at the map after we were all movied out. (That's how I knew we were over the French Alps.)
And then, Roman soil!

My travellers are doing so well. When I was kid, I took it all in stride too. Today my thoughts frequently ran to the amazement of being in the sky for 8 hours, crossing an ocean. It is a wonder that we stay UP and any turbulence had me back to my rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet. There was comfort in seeing a habited nun and several collared Fathers in our section of the plane. There were many polish people onboard and they were so joyful. I imagine we might hear as much polish as we do italian this trip!
The hotel is beautiful! We had been setting our expectations for small rooms and bathrooms, but it's all terrific! Can't wait till they all wake up and want to explore it more with me. Pics and video to come.

Driving in from the airport and even just passing by St. Paul's and the Twin Churches and the Colluseum was a pinch me moment. As our children stared out the windows my husband nudged me to notice them.

It'll all coming alive to them.

My sister said it best. What they've read about in history and heard about of their faith will no longer be abstractions to them. They'll be walking on that ground...seeing it, touching it...hearing the sounds and tasting Rome.

We're here.

And there are bidets....


  1. Thank you for the report! I am so excited for you!

  2. This is SO GREAT!!! I'm looking forward to every one of your updates Allison. And BTW...tears still rolling down my face from that bidet comment!
    Luv ya - Lucy Sneeringer

  3. How exciting Allison! I am so glad you arrived safely and how blessed you were chosen. Looking forward to following along.~Theresa

  4. Beautiful! I look forward to your next post! Enjoy :)

  5. Oh, this is so exciting!!! Thanks for all the pictures! I almost feel as if I'm with you!

    (our plane didn't have those nice screens in the chairs!)

  6. What an awesome opportunity! I am looking forward to updates! +JMJ+

  7. wow. that was fast!! i didn't realize the Vatican blog conference was so soon. You really whipped that travelogue together super fast. Soak up every minute. You and your family are making memories that will last a lifetime. God speed.

  8. What an amazing journey you are on! Can't wait to hear more.

    God Bless

  9. God is Awesome! I'm all choked up reading this! It's just awesome that you guys are there! Lots of love-Josie


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