Anima Christi on Good Friday

The Anima Christi is an indulgenced prayer to pray after receiving the Holy Eucharist. (Roman Missal p.935)

It's imagery speaks especially of Good Friday to me.

This is how I will pray it today, as expanded on by Father Gabriel Giles, O.F.M. Capuchin -

SOUL OF CHRIST, SANCTIFY ME...and my soul, enlighten my intellect with Divine wisdom, conform my will to Your Will, give me a ready memory and a keen comprehension of truth.

BODY OF CHRIST, SAVE ME...Yours was a perfect human body. Through Holy Communion let me participate in Your vigorous health. Grant me a well-balanced outlook on life, an understanding acceptance of misfortune and ready recognition of the blessings You bestow on me. May I be able to do Your work expected of me.

BLOOD OF CHRIST, INEBRIATE ME... Send enriching blood coursing unhindered through my body cleansing it of all impurities, for it is the stream of life and health.

WATER FROM THE SIDE OF CHRIST, WASH ME...Wash my soul of sin; cleanse me of all malfunctions.

PASSION OF CHRIST, STRENGTHEN ME...against the devil, temptations, undue love of material things and pollutions of the mind. I add my wounds in life to the wounds of Christ on the cross for the forgiveness of sin and for the salvation of mankind.

O GOOD JESUS, HEAR ME...Give me a vivid awareness of Your Presence and Love, of Your protection and guidance and a growing devotion in my prayer life.

WITHIN THY WOUNDS, HIDE ME...May the example of Your sufferings console and strengthen me in my sufferings, as I unite my sacrifices with Your sacrifices on the cross for my sins and the sins of others.

AND BID ME TO COME TO THEE...keep clearly before me my final goal, my true purpose, my glorious destiny so I may successfully fulfill the mission for which You created me, made as I am and placed here and now.

THAT WITH THY SAINTS I MAY PRAISE THEE...I place myself under the protective care of my patron saints, my saintly deceased family members and my Guardian Angel, so that some day I shall meet the all in heaven with Thee.

FOR ALL ETERNITY...take me home when my journey here below is done, so that I may receive the merits of a good life of prayers, Masses and Communions and fulfilled obligations. Then I will see Thee face-to-face and live with Thee in the bliss of happiness and peace with Thee forever.

It's a lot to pray for. May Christ be our example today and always....


  1. Taking this with me to Stations today Allison. Thank you.

  2. Beautiful, Allison. I wish I would have seen this before I went to the Passion Service today.


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