
Joining Barb in 52 weeks of daily life in pictures: trials and celebrations, the extraordinary and mundane --

whatever is unique to the week.

Unique to this week is a blog redesign from Christie! Thank you Christie for your incredible customer service. I was so impressed with your can-do attitude and the time you took with me. Very professional! (And thank you Mom, for this gift to me...lucky Irish girl!)

Our week started with a beautiful baptism for the 4th son of beautiful, parish family, our friends.

Spring must be almost here as spring fever has hit upon a wee lass. Her 9 year old brother came up with this way to keep her in her school chair.

Out with a bang.

Memories of the boys shooting with their older cousin, visiting from college. He brought a case full of different guns for them to shoot. He made them feel so special, catering to them.

I imagine them as older men later in life meeting like this and sharing this enthusiasm.


  1. I LOVE the new look for your blog.

    Seeing the belt restraint had me chuckling as we've done the same thing with D at times.

  2. Allison, your new blog is beautiful!

    Have a great weekend my dear friend.

  3. I love your new look over here, it's "you"! Elegant and beautiful.

    Might have to use that belt idea for my kiddos who all have spring fever, it was a hard week to get their school work done--but we did it. (and it's not as warm here!)

    See? This is why Minnesotans MUST take summers off school!

  4. Lovely new look. Happy St. Joseph's Day!

  5. Love the new look. Beautiful.
    You were in my dreams last night. I was at church and Father Corapi was speaking and I saw you and hugged you. I was so happy to meet you in person. then the dream got all different.

    Neat pics...

  6. Thanks,friends.

    Christine,wouldn't that be great. I'dlove to meet my blog friends!

    Sorry to hear the dream got weird...for Fr. Corapi it has too...he NEEDS our prayers.

  7. Huh? What happened to Fr Corapi?

  8. Ok, I just went to his website. Sad. We know a priest (we actually know his uncle) and he was wrongly accused, (he's one of the really conservative good guys who tells it like it is) and the Bishop sent him away, immediately. No questions asked, no chance to respond. It's sad, these priests want and need to be obedient and have to wait throught the long process.

    yes, prayers for Fr Corapi.

  9. Allison...blog looks wonderful...it is so fun to re-design : )

  10. The redesign is beautiful!
    Happy St. Pat's (be-lated) . . . and Happy St. Joseph's to you! Many blessings!

    You have my prayers.

  11. Hi Allison~ Joining in to compliment you on your new look here...Full of grace! This is an inspiration to me, one who needs to clean up over at my blog. I'm so NOT computer or blog savvy! We are definitely on board praying for Fr. Corapi, with broken hearts. God Bless your week.


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