Simple, Short, Indulgenced Prayer Ejaculations

These short "mini-prayers," also called "aspirations" or "invocations," are to be said throughout the day to keep our minds focused on Heavenly things and to consecrate our efforts. It is good to adopt one of these as your own so that in times of stress, words that can focus your attention back to the holy come easily. These are all indulgenced prayers.

Domine Iesu Christe, Filius Dei, miserere me peccatorem! (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!) Variations: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner!"; "God, have mercy on me, a sinner!"; "O God, be merciful to me a sinner!". This prayer is known as the "Jesus Prayer." It is the cry of the publican of Luke 18:13.

Sit nomen Dómini benedíctum! (Blessed be the Name of the Lord!) This prayer is a reparation for blasphemy. If one hears someone take the Name of the Lord in vain, it is good to say this prayer. The response to this prayer is "ex hoc nunc, et usque in sæculum!" ("from this time forth for evermore!") or "per ómnia saecula saeculórum" ("unto ages of ages").

We adore Thee, O Christ, and we bless Thee; because by Thy holy Cross Thou hast redeemed the world. (Roman Breviary)

May the Holy Trinity be blessed. (Roman Missal)

Christ conquers! Christ reigns! Christ commands!

O Heart of Jesus, burning with love for us, inflame our hearts with love for Thee.

O Heart of Jesus, I place my trust in Thee.

O Heart of Jesus, all for Thee.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

My God and my all.

O God, have mercy on me, a sinner. (Luke 18:13)

Grant that I may praise thee, O sacred Virgin; give me strength against thine enemies. (Roman Breviary)

Teach me to do Thy will, because Thou art my God. (Psalm 142:10)

O Lord, increase our faith. (Luke 17:5)

O Lord, may we be of one mind in truth and of one heart in charity.

O Lord, save us, we are perishing. (Matthew 8:25)

My Lord and my God. (John 20:28)

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. (Roman Missal)

Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. (+JMJ+)

Jesus, Mary, Joseph, I give you my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, assist me in my last agony. Jesus, Mary, Joseph, may I sleep and rest in peace with you. (Roman Ritual)

May the Most Blessed Sacrament be praised and adored forever.

Stay with us, O Lord. (Luke 24:29)

Mother of Sorrows, pray for us.

My Mother, my Hope.

Send, O Lord, laborers into Thy harvest. (see Matthew 9:38)

May the Virgin Mary together with her loving Child bless us. (Roman Breviary)

Hail, O Cross, our only hope. (Roman Breviary)

All you holy men and women of God, intercede for us. (Roman Ritual)

Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. (Roman Ritual)

Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. (Luke. 23:46; Psalm 30:6)

Merciful Lord Jesus, grant them everlasting rest. (Roman Missal)

Queen conceived without original sin, pray for us. (Roman Ritual)

Holy Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin, intercede for us. (Roman Breviary)

Holy Mary, pray for us. (Roman Ritual)

Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. (Matthew 16:16)

Blessed be God!

All for thee, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine! (Roman Ritual)

My Jesus, mercy!

Thanks be to God! (Deo gratias!)

O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!

Hail Mary! (Ave Maria!)

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in Thee!

Sacred Heart of Jesus, Thy kingdom come!

Sweet Heart of Jesus, be my love!

Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us!

From all sin deliver me, O Lord!

As the Lord wills!

Thy will be done! (Fiat voluntas tua!)

An online book - nothing could be simpler than to make a few of these my own....


  1. Thank you for the reminder and the wonderful list of prayers. I am frequently deeply moved with how simple the Lord has made it to please Him. He does so much for us and asks so little.

  2. A great collection of short prayers to help return our thoughts to God at various times of the day. God bless!


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