Top 200 Catholic Blogs

5:48 AM


It was so nice to be told on the 3rd anniversary of my blog that it made the list of Top 200 Catholic Blogs as based on subscribed Google readers. (So I know a lot of more popular blogs may not be represented...)

I came in at #141 and I am soooo grateful to have 140 subscribed readers, 100 visits a day.

Readers/Friends, you have all made my day! What a treasure the Catholic Blog community is... so many friends out there I wouldn't have "met" otherwise. God bless you! I offer my First Friday Mass and prayers for you all.

I am reminded of this quote, Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, “What! You too? I thought I was the only one!” ~ C.S. Lewis

Thank you for the 75,000+ visits here so far to share this journey of Catholic living with me !


  1. Congrats on your 3rd blogiversary, and for being on the top 200 list!

    I'm so glad to have "met" you! God bless!

  2. what an honor! I do enjoy coming to visit your blog and reading about your faith and family. congrats too on celebrating your third blogaversary. oh and I'm going to check out that list.

  3. Congratulations!! A very well deserved honor, bravo!

  4. Congratulations! I'm glad I'm one of the readers :)

  5. congratulations!! I'm one of your google readers too!

  6. And I truly am soooo glad to see your faces and comments here and on your blogs!

    Aren't we blessed?? :)

  7. You are awesome, my friend. Congrats!!!! I always leave here happier than before I arrived. God bless!

  8. Great job and congrats!
    | missed the 200 by 8...208, anyway, we sure can get a lot done in 3 years!

    Happy Anniversary too!


  9. in my humble opinion you deserve a higher spot on that list...but what do i know, eh?
    love that little c.s. lewis quote.
    sweet wedding photos.
    oh, i am so behind everywhere.
    but YOU, friend, are definitely a bright spot on the internet.
    may HE continue to bless you abundantly.

    ps. that encouragement letter spoke to my heart. you'd think after 10 years of this homeschooling thing i wouldn't STILL be plaugued with doubts. but i am and it is so wonderful to find encouragement.
    pss. i miss LOST too. i don't have another "show". i haven't for years. now i don't know what is going to force me to sit on the couch and relax...


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