Joys in June

Dismantling the school room of last year's schoolwork/books and prepping for next year, among other things, has kept me from blogging some of our JOYS IN JUNE. But that job seems never ending so I am going to take a breakand recap some of our June in a super post!

2nd son glistening in a deck sunset and my daughter enjoying the glow of summer nature below.
Friends enjoying moments together. We're getting into the swing of summer.

Father's Day Mass - I think my little girl is looking older. Getting 6 inches of hair chopped off changed her.

My 2nd son serving at the altar, with his Father, on Father's Day. He said, "This is my gift to my *other* Father."
A Father's Day swim....

We all look forward to lots of time at my parent's house over the summer. GrandDandy and Pops have a resort of fun for their grandchildren, a magical place where twizzlers always can be found in the pantry!
I came upon this happy crew giggling like this. We decided to add some guests of honor to the same arrangement. Pops and his grandchildren, my 3rd son's baseball trophy!
My husband and his children who couldn't love him anymore than they do! He is their joy.
Summer Sundays and pool days at my parent's begin. In fact, we're off for a dip now! Stay cool!


  1. June joys indeed! All of you look like you are having SO much fun!

  2. How wonderful! We used to spend so much time at my parents' pool in the summer! I do miss it.

  3. What beautiful pictures... what a beautiful family! +JMJ+

  4. You're a bunch of happy and good lookin' folks! Enjoy your summer!!

  5. isn't June grand ?? beautiful pictures of hapy family times, and I like your hair cut too!

  6. Love, love, love these pics! What a lovely June you're having! May it continue, thus...

  7. Thanks friends...hope you are all having a great start to your summers! Can you believe it's almost July already?!


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