Life Giving Love

Sunday was so lovely. Mother's Day is such an occasion of great joy for me. My life before Motherhood, while it seemed exciting and meaningful at the time, can not compare to the fulfillment I feel now. It even surprises me that I love it this much...

I guess it helps that I grew up with a wonderful, dynamic and inspiring mother and became the daughter of the most generous and kind mother-in-law. They nurtured me into motherhood, holding my hand.

O, these four children...I love these souls on loan to me! They are unique and interesting people. Mother Theresa was so poignant and wise when she said, "How can there be too many children, it's like saying there are too many flowers?!" I wish there were more of them. Welcoming these gifts from God is what life/love is giving love.

It was a hard year for my Mother, the first Mother's day without my Nana, her mother. We needed to "include" Nana in the day and so we went to the cemetery. My Nana and my husband's Nan were there and we "visited" them both.

In an unbroken chain, they are the links. Those beautiful souls nurtured their children and their grandchildren. They are part of us, what our lives are about and there couldn't be enough flowers for them... we left just one perfect rose.


  1. What a beautiful post! I miss my Mama all the time, but especially on Mother's Day. Beautiful pictures-I love the last one!

  2. A lovely post, Allison. I noted in the first photo, that your husband has his mom's smile and you have your mom's...

  3. Beautiful photos! Glad you had a lovely Mother's Day!

  4. that's a beautiful tribute to your Nana, and your mother and mother in law. your children are rediant -- look at the joy in their smiles -- and you are radiant too in the pic with them! how could we ever have even imagined the joy of motherhood !

  5. Love that picture with the rose. You are a great mama and come from good mama's. What a blessing.

    Happy Mothers Day to you.

    Being a mama is the best.

  6. What a wonderful post. I'm so glad you had a lovely Mother's Day!!! God Bless!!


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