Confirmations & May Crowning Weekend

On Saturday , with sunshine and breezes, our Diocese for the first time in about 50 years conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Extraordinary Form. My two oldest sons were "Sealed in Christ," and are now soldiers in Christ.

After the ceremony, according to the 1962 missal, we had a party at our house for 30 visiting family members.

My oldest picked St. Joseph for his Confirmation name. We first named our homeschool after St. Joseph and have often talked about his merits. He is the patron of the Church, of fathers and workers. He was a champion and protector of the unborn...a just man...who obeyed God faithfully.

My 2nd son picked St. Anthony of Padua, who he's been attached to from early on. He has always had a devotion to this Saint and intercessor for lost things. As I was having the cake made, I was struck by how both Saints are holding the babe Christ. I pray my sons always feel the same nearness to Our Lord, the same devotion.

Then, on Sunday, it was our parish Mass that begins with Crowning Mary...what a holy, memorable and treasured weekend!


  1. Congrats!

    That cake is something else!

  2. Congratulations to your two sons.
    I hope you all enjoyed the memorable day.
    And what a beautiful cake.

  3. Congratulations to your sons! What a blessing!

  4. Congratulations!
    Beautiful Crowning!
    God is good!!!!!

  5. Congratulations to you. Your sons are now soldiers for Christ. I love the red ties -- come Holy Spirit -- very fitting for the sacrament they received. the cake is beautiful!

  6. How Beautiful! What a blessing to have that opportunity in the Diocese! I have to ask the ignorant question of course: Did they slap the boys on the cheek? I always thought that was interesting, and the tradition behind it, to learn to take blows for Christ, just beautiful. How much we miss when we avoid tradition. (And no! I'm not hoping for black eyes or anything:)

    Gorgeous cake! Did you have that made? I love it!!!

  7. Gardenia, I LUV that you noticed the tie symbolism!

    Patty, yes, they did get a little slap..if you could call it that.

    Cake from the supermarket but so nicely decorated! I could never have done so well although I do LUV to bake cake. :)

  8. Congratulations!!! Was a wonderful moment in their lives. God bless them!


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