Your Saint for 2010 ~ An inspiring companion!

10:55 AM

Where I prayerfully ask God to guide my hand in choosing for you a Saint Companion to guide your 2010....

Time to pick a new saint to guide each of us this year, as we have done in years before. Did you get a saint last year? Blog about it...encourage this tradition.

It is said that the Saint picks YOU.

In our family, we post our Saints of the Year on our refrigerator so that we are constantly reminded of them... of our journey with them... to be inspired by what their life can teach us in our faith journey.

With solemnity, we each fervently pray as our hand reaches into the basket. We ask that the saint God intends to "teach and journey " with us this year will choose us.

And they have been so meaningful to us. Sometimes a certain saint likes to stay and share themselves with other members of our Padre Pio, St. Therese's family and Mother Cabrini. We are growing in love for our saints. Some might say we are Saint Junkies!

Would you like to have a companion saint this year? CAN I PICK A SAINT FOR YOU?

Leave me a comment and I will leave you one back with a Saint Companion for 2010. Then, google all you can about them. Get a medal and post their prayer card on your mirror...learn from them and their struggles. Make it a New Year's resolution to let them transform you in some way! All you holy men and women, ora pro nobis.

There is also this ministry as well, This blogger writes so beautifully about this tradition and it's effects.


  1. The Remaleys had the Holy Innocents last year and prayed for all the lost babies through abortion. Please pick us a new one this tear,

    Thank you good and kind friend

  2. Hi Allison!
    Can I have one for the following:
    Mike (DH)
    Kaleb (DS)
    Anya (DD)
    Mark (DS)
    Robby (nephew)
    Kira (niece)
    PS. We did this last year, and the kids LOVED it. Having a patron saint every year helps with our daily strifes to become saints!

  3. I would love for you to pick a saint out for me!! Came here via MODGYahoo loop.



  4. Happy New Year!

    I think this is how I "met" you in 2009, when I asked you for a patron saint for the year. Saints Dismas and Veronica chose me ...

    Please pray for a new saint to pick me for 2010. We have A LOT going on already—moving in Feb., renting a temporary home while our new home is being built, etc. We will need all the prayers we can get during this process =)

    Thank you, and God bless you and your family in the new year!

  5. Hi Allison,

    The Mesco's would love for you to pick a patron saint for 2010.

    Happy New Year!

    God bless you. :)

  6. Yes, please choose one for me and one for the Drew family. We have started off the new year rather dismally with my husband puncturing his foot while putting together the new big boy beds. We can use all the help we can get.

    Thank you so much! I regretted into the year last year that I had not requested you choose a saint for us. I am not wasting time this year. :)

    We will appreciate it so much and pray for you.


  7. There is a similar tradition in traditional Carmels. On or around 25 December, you draw a patron saint for the year. Then, on or around the 1st of each month, you draw a saint whose feast day is that month, a virtue to practice in a special way, and 3 mortifications to offer for the conversion of souls (ie, a Pater Noster with arms outstretched). I love this tradition. Also, the names of the priests of the diocese are drawn so that each sister prays in a special way for that priest(s) during the year. If more people prayed for priests and seminarians, what a revolution would that bring about!

    Please draw a saint for me.

  8. I have a Saint for me, but I'd love one for our family. Merci beaucoup!

  9. Could you please pick a Saint for me this year?

  10. Hi Allison,
    Would you please select a saint for me and for my family?
    Thank you!

  11. What a beautiful idea. Thank you so much reaching out with this wonderful ministry. Each member of the Schopf Family (6) would like to have his own saint for 2010. We are excited to find out who picks us!

    Mark, Gloria, Bradley, Bryana, Christian and Clare

    Thank you again,
    God Bless,

  12. Hi Allison,

    I would love for you to "choose" a Saint for me this year. Thanks! Hope you had a joyous Christmas and a great start to the new year!


  13. My friend, please introduce me to my saint for the year.

  14. What a nice idea Allison. We would like to be included:

    Matthew (ds)
    Emma (dd)
    Rebecca (dd)

    Thank you very much!
    - Danielle

  15. I would love this!

    Michelle, mom of four boys

  16. Allison,

    This is wonderful idea! Would you please select a saint for my family?
    Gary, Me (christina), Alexandra, Jacob, Carol, Aidan, Luke.

    THanks so much!

  17. Allison-please pick a saint for my family. Many thanks!

  18. Please pick a Saint for our family! Thank you.

  19. Dear and kind friend, Kathy - May dear St. Bernadette of Lourdes be a special light to your family in 2010. Feast April 16 Offer sacrifices to mary for her intentions.

    Dear Lillian - St. Seraphim of Sarov TOMORROW, Jan 2 Pray for the unity of the Church

    Dear Sarah - well then, it's our 1 year anniversary of blog friendship! St. Peter the Apostle June 29 Pray for the Pope and his intentions for the world.

    Dearest Mesco family - St. veronica Feb 4 Comfort Jesus through adoration.

    Ashley - hope your husband feels better soon! Ouch! St. Jerome Sept 30 Pray for a deep love of God's Word and for the Drew family - wow, ANOTHER Doctor of the Chruch, St. Bonaventure july 15 Pray and reflect on the humilty of the crucified Lord

    Dear OCD sister, I love what you shared. Great practices! St. Francis de Sales Jan 24 Pray for writers

    Dear Sarah kala's family - St. Rose of Lima Aug 23 Pray that souls find true beauty in the Cross.

    Catalina Marie - The Saint of the year, St. John Vianney, Cure of Ars, patron saint of priests, pray for Priests - feast Aug 4

    Dear Dana - St. John Chrysostom Sept 13
    and for your family - st. Angela Merici Jan 27 pray for mothers

  20. Dear Gloria - St. Thomas the Apostle July 3 Pray for unbelievers

    your Mark - Our Lady of Mount carmel July 16 pray for peace in the hearts of priests and invest in the scapular!

    your Bradley - St. Dominic Aug 8 Intercede for hardened hearts. The saint of the rosary

    your Bryana - St. Camille of Lellis (I had him in 2009) Pray for those in the healthcare profession

    Christian - St. Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity Nov. 8 Strive to offer a loving dwelling place in your heart for the Holy Trinity

    Your Clare - St. Mary Mother of God pray for those rebelling against the Church

  21. Dear Gloria - St. Thomas the Apostle July 3 Pray for unbelievers

    your Mark - Our Lady of Mount carmel July 16 pray for peace in the hearts of priests and invest in the scapular!

    your Bradley - St. Dominic Aug 8 Intercede for hardened hearts. The saint of the rosary

    your Bryana - St. Camille of Lellis (I had him in 2009) Pray for those in the healthcare profession

    Christian - St. Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity Nov. 8 Strive to offer a loving dwelling place in your heart for the Holy Trinity

    Your Clare - St. Mary Mother of God pray for those rebelling against the Church

  22. Dearest Nell - Happy New Year! Hugs to your "littles."

    Our Lady of Lourdes Feb 11 Pray for the apostles of Our Lady. The Queen of Saints...maybe you'll visit Lourdes??

    Dear Jenny Just a Minute! My hand was led to St. Marguerite mary Alacoque with the intention to spread devotion to the Sacred heart of Jesus. I'll be thinking of you on First Fridays!

  23. Dear Danielle - Blessed Joseph- Marie Cassant Praying for vocations to the priesthood. What a blessed vocation for you during this gracefilled year of the priest!

    Your Matthew - St. Padre pio Sept 23 Pray for the salvation of soulds bound to satan.

    Your Emma - St. Catherine laboure Nov 28 Pray for enemies of the church. She should wear a miraculous medal

    Your Rebecca - St. mechtilde Pray for the underpriviledged.

  24. Dear Michelle, mom of 4 boys -

    St. Patrick March 17

    Pray for response to the call to be evangelists today.

    Dear Christina - Blessed Francisco of fatima - Pray for children

    Your Gary - Cyril Doctor of the Church March 18 Pray for all those who are distracted and bewitched by false teachings

    Your Alexandra - St. Therese Doctor of the Church Oct 1 Pray for an outpouring of love in families

    Your Jacob - Mother Cabrini Dec 22 Pray for an increase in women religious

    Your Carol - St. benedict July 11 Pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God

    Your Aidan - The Holy Guardian Angels Oct. 2 Help someone meet and get to know their guardian angel

    Your Luke - St. Andrew Nov 30 Pray in thanksgiving for the quiet and humble of the world who do the work of God without recognition.

  25. Therese - St. John Bosco Jan 31 Pray for teachers!

  26. I would love a saint to pick me!

  27. Kerrie - St. Juan Diego July 31 Pray for unity among the nations.

    Our Lady of Guadalupe is such a meaningful apparition, God bless!

  28. Allison,

    I would love for you (or rather, the Holy Spirit through you) to pick a saint for myself and my two boys,

    Mary Ellen
    Nolan (15)
    Paul (12)

    Thank you and God bless you!

  29. Allison,
    I believe I am in great need of just such a companion for the year in front of me. Please do let me know what saint is willing to accompany me. Thanks and God Bless,
    Wife to Jared
    Mom to Grant, Keelin, Moira, Marikate, Simon and Seth

  30. Thank you Allison! Happy New Year.

  31. Could you please pick a Saint for me and one for my husband Tom?

    I'm sad to let my last years Saint go....I think he's still with me!
    (St Vincent De Paul)

    Thank you so very much!

  32. Yes, thank you! It's looking like our family will be going through some major changes this year, and likely a difficult relocation (though we're still praying for the miracle it would take for us to stay where we are).

  33. Please pick a saint for me. I am a homeschooling mom of 8 with 2 business', we need to keep our business' successful for our family, last year was my year of St. Jude, Padre Pio, and St. Rita. PLease help me!

    Lisa Grillot

  34. Please pick a saint for us!

  35. Thank you so much for this beautiful apostolate!

    Michelle (me)
    Cory (oldest ds in army)
    Kaila dd (20)
    Megan (17)
    Max (12)
    Emma (9)
    Matthew (8)
    Gerard (5)

  36. Thank you so much for this!

    Our family is:

    Joseph (DH)
    Dana (me)
    Keylah (foster daughter)
    Karina (foster daughter)
    Jacob (ds)
    & Alexis (ds)

  37. I'd like one for myself and for my husband. Thanks!!!

  38. Hi Allison,

    I am here through the Seton group.
    Could you pick a Saint for each member of our family and a family saint? If not, just choose which scenario you feel best fits our family :)

    The Heineman Family

    Anne (me)
    Chuck (DH)
    CJ (DS-8)
    Maura (DD-5)

    Thank you so much for this!


  39. Could you choose a patron saint for me again this year? I'd also like to request one for the others listed below.


    Thank you so much!

  40. Allison...I am so happy you have the energy to do this again this year. God Bless You!

    Yes...we would love a Saint to look out for us this year : )

  41. My family would love to have a saint with us this year.
    The Chiodi Family

  42. Dearest Alison,
    Please pick a saint to journey with the Fairfield family! Thank you!

  43. Please choose a Saint for the Comstock family. We lost my mom in November and need help moving forward. I look forward to hearing from you.
    Thank you!

  44. All of us at the Hennessey home would love a patron saint to choose us for the year. Can you let us know who it may be?

  45. This is a beautiful tradition I would love to start in my family - ds and dd agree! We would be blessed to have saints pick us.
    Heather (me)
    DS (8 - recently diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum and has a host of allergies & asthma)
    DD (6 - currently loud and outspoken, working on a more gentle spirit)

    Also, while I don't think he'll actively participate, the children's father (firefighter/paramedic) could always use additional guidance and support. We'd love to have a saint pick him, knowing that the friendship may be one-sided, at least at the beginning.

    Thank you so much!

  46. This is such a great blessing to pick a saint for the year. I am not sure how you decide on a saint for your self and your family but some suggestions would be great. I am a cradle catholic living on the island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. I am married to Stephen for the last 19 years and we have six children: Juliette, Andrew, Rebecca, Elizabeth, James and Therese. thanking you in advance for your suggestions. Helen

  47. Hi! I would love to have Saints for our family - for Tim, Carol, and DC Ben, Clara, Annemarie & Francis. Thanks! Carol

  48. My family and I would love you to pick a Saint for us for 2010! We have 3 boys and a new baby girl, and last year you chose St Andrew for us, which was very appropriate. Thanks and God Bless you. In the Immaculate Heart, Stephanie

  49. I am an entrepreneur engaged in business for the Restoration of all things in Christ the King. I have some critical business developments early this month and into this year, and would love you to select a Saint for me.
    God bless, Lance

  50. I'm hoping to get closer to Our Lady this year so she will be my primary saint ... but it would be great if you could pick a Saint for me to help me on my path.

  51. I would love to be in on this. What a blessing you are. Looks like you are busy with this so I understand if there is nothing left for ME??!!!

  52. hello i am ian i am 8 please pick a saint for me.

  53. Jennifer wife to Jared - St. Valentine! Feb 14 and pray that people will model their love after God's Love. Did you want saints for the rest of the family?

    Hi Jamies, St. VdeP will always be one of your saints! For 2010 - St. Joan or Arc! May 30 Pray for France and the conversion of freemasons! And for Tom - St. Augustine Docotor of the Church Aug 28 and to Pray for conversions.

    Hi Michelle from Minnesota, I LUVed visiting your blog, Made for JOY. I just kept scrolling page after page. What a beautiful family! Your saint - Archangel Raphael Sept 29 Pray for the healing of families.

    Dear Lisa Grillot your saint companion is St. Helen who found the Cross Aug 18 Pray for children who are mistreated. "O innocent Jesus, your Cross is my Cross."

  54. Kathy - St. Michael the Archangel Sept 29 Pray that those under the influence of Satan may be saved.
    Your daughter, Christine - Saint Dominic Savio March 9 Pray for the young
    Your Daughter CJ - Mary, Queen of Peace June 25 Bring to mary every single conflict you come across
    Your son, Tom - Blessed Louis & Zelie martin, parents of St. Therese Pray that holiness may be born in families
    Your Daughter Joanna - St. Benedict Joseph Labre April 16 Pray for the homeless
    Your daughter Kate - St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Nov. 9 Pray for vocations to the contemplative life

  55. For Michelle's Wayne - St. Luke oct 8 Pray for those questioning their faith in the Church

    Michelle - St. Maria Goretti July 6 Pray for purity of heart

    Cory - St. Ignatious of Loyala July 31 Pray for the spirit of total surrender

    Kaila - St. Geneveive Pray for the virginity of young people

    Megan - St. Simon of Cyrene who carried the Cross with Christ - Pray that many will be drawn to help others carry their crosses.

    Max - St. Joseph Pray for the gift of blessed fatherhood for the world's families

    Emma - Sts. Cosmas & Damian Sept 27 Pray for those who minister to sick bodies and sick souls

    Matthew - St. Dismas, the good thief and 1st saint in heaven - Pray for the conversion of criminals

    Gerard - St. Gertrude Nov 16 Pray for enemies

  56. Dana and Family -

    Dana's Joseph - St. Anthony of padua June 13 Pray for non-believers

    Dana - St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church Dec 7 Pray that all honor the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and through Mary's intercession babies are welcomed into families

    Keylah - St. Mary of Magdala July 22 Pray that those lost in sin will come to know the great love of Jesus

    Karina - St. Isidore Doctor of the Church April 4 Pray that our learning promotes our sanctity

    Jacob - Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec 12 Pray for a greater dependence on the maternal love of Mary

    Alexis - St. Vincent de Paul Sept 27 Pray for compassion

  57. Dirtdartwife - The Holy Family of Nazareth, Pray for blessed, holy and happy families

    Your husband - St. Bernard of Clarivaux Doctor of the Church Aug 20 Pray for those who are called and have NOT YET said "yes."

    Heineman Family
    Anne - St. Monica Aug 27 Pray for holy mothers
    Chuck - St. Lawrence of Brindisi Aug 10 Doctor of the Church Pray the Protestants return to the true Church through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Son, CJ - Saint Martha of bethany July 29 Pray for the despairing

    Maura - St. Cecilia Pray for married couples to have holy and pure love

  58. Paul - Saint John the evangelist Dec 27 Pray for those wounded by life...that they may be healed

    Linda - Mother Teresa of Calcutta Oct 19 Pray to serve the poor with joy

    Ellie - St. Martha of Bethany Pray for the homeless, poor, HIV sufferers among us

    Ben - St. Nicodemus Aug 3 Pray for the enlightenment of Israel

    Maggie - St. Margaret mary Alacoque Oct 16 Pray for those crushed by trails.

    Debbie - St. Jose maria Escriva June 26 Pray that all would find THE WAY to living FOR Christ each day

  59. Carmelitemom!

    Our Lady of Fatima! May 13 Pray for greater devotion to the rosary among Christians.

    CHIODI family - St. Jerome Sept 30 Pray for a deep love of Gods Word and pray for bible scholars

    beloved FAIRFIELD family - St. Martin de Porres Nov 3 Pray for greater humility, charity and generousity in God's service

    COMSTOCK family - Holy Souls in purgatory Nov 2 Pray for the Souls in Purgatory and allow them to help you pray for a deeper communion between the saint in heaven, in purgatory and on earth.

    All Saints Academy - Saint Jeanne of Chantal Dec 12 Pray for mothers

  60. HEather of TGmagazine - The Holy Innocents Dec 28 Pray for an end to abortion, theirs was a wordless profession of faith in Jesus. They died because they bore a likeness of teh Christ child and are crowned with life eternal.

    DS8 - St. Patrick Mar 17 Pray for evangelists today

    DD6 - St. Thomas More June 22 Pray to bring about a culture of life

    Looking over their Father and seeking to connect to him is St. Andrew Nov 30 Pray in thanksgiving for the quiet and humble of the world who do the work of the Lord without recognition!

  61. Dear Helen Gonsalves - We get our saint slips for the saint basket from to which I also add the Saints that are the Doctors of the Church. It is fun to have your own basket for family and friends to pick from.

    My hand was led to this saint for your family - St. Juan Diego July 31 Pray for unity among the nations.

  62. Tim - St. John Bosco Jan 31 Pray for teachers

    Carol - St. Vincent de Paul Sept 27 Pray for compassion

    Ben - St. benedict July 11 Pray for the coming of the kingdom of God

    Clara - St. Peter Julian Eymard of Eucharistic Adoration Aug 3 Pray that souls make Jesus in teh Eucharist their 1st joy in life

    Annemarie - Mother Cabrini Dec 22 Pray for an increase in women religious

    Francis - St. francis of Assisi!!! ct 4 Pray for the gift of faith

  63. Stephanie A Handmad and family - St. Lawrence Aug 10 Carry the poor in your hearts and encourage them.\

    LANCE - St. Elijah Pray for a deepening of faith throughout the world

    CHRISTINE - there will ALWAYS be a saint for you, dear friend!
    This year - St. Monica Aug 27 Pray for Holy Mothers. Her prayers won for the church one of its greatest Doctors!

  64. Thanks for bringing our family Saint to us! My son Ian has also sent you a request using my login. God bless. Stephanie

  65. If it's not too late, I would like a saint for this year. You gave me St. John of the Cross last year, and the year definitely did have some cross-carrying moments! Thank you for doing this.

  66. Dear Lorna - What an inspiring Saint for you this year, St. Faustina of Divine Mercy Oct 5 and ray for deeper intimacy with God.

    God bless!

  67. Thanks so much for the Saint picks! Such an exciting new tradition for our family! Have a blessed Epiphany!

  68. Oh, please do pick one for me! Or rather, tell me which saint has picked me!

    I hope I'm not too late in asking.

    Thank you so much, and God bless you!

  69. I'd love to have you pick a Saint for me. Thanks!

  70. Would you please pick ones for my family.

    thank you

  71. Could you please pick one for me and one for my family?


  72. We have Patron Saints of the year, but would love to have a Patron Saint for the whole family and one for our blog. Thanks.

    God bless.

  73. Hi Allison,
    I'd love to have you pick saints for:

    Ken (dh)
    Becky (me)
    Matthew - 23
    Joe - 21
    Anna - 18
    Mary - 17
    Rose - 15
    Dominic - 13
    Petra - 8
    Aidan - 5
    Evelyn - 3

    Thanks and many blessings!

  74. Hi Allison!

    Please pick saints for:

    Ken - dh
    Becky - me
    Matthew -23
    Joe -21
    Anna -18
    Mary - 17
    Rose - 15
    Dominic - 13
    Petra - 8
    Aidan - 5
    Evelyn - 3

    Thanks so much!

  75. Thank you for being the hand of providence! My patron saint is St. Michael and now having another archangel, St. Raphael, for a companion this year ... we have been praying for healing in our families for a while and just recently discussed stepping it up a notch! Thank you also for your kind words regarding my blog.

  76. My Chocolate Heart - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton jan 4 Pray for an increase in women religious.

    Groovie Mom - The Holy Innocents Dec 28 Pray for an end to abortion
    "Thiers was a wordless profession of faith in Jesus. They died because they bore a likeness of the Christ Child and are crowned with life eternal.

    Zina C - St. Albert Doctor of the Church Nov 15 Pray that al would recognize God as the Creator of all science
    Zina C's family - St. Catherine of Siena Doctor too! April 29 Pray for holy women in all states of life.

    Tina Marie - St. Bonaventure July 15 Pray to humble ourselves by looking upon the crucified Lord.
    Tina Marie's BLOG - Blessed Leonie Martin June 16 sister of St. Therese the Little Flower Pray for children who are not understood.

  77. jenny, wife of Jim - St. Maria Goretti July 6 Pray for purity of heart

    Jim - St. Augustine Aug 28 Pray for conversions

    DD, Abby - St, Ignatius of Loyola July 31 Pray for a spirit of total surrender

    DS, Alex - St. Seraphim of Sarov Jan 2 Pray for the unity of the CHurch

  78. Please pick a Saint for:

    - James
    - Ian
    - Stephanie


  79. Dear Becky - St. Dominic Savio Mar 9 Pray for the young

    Ken - St. Genevieve Pray for the virginity of young people

    Matthew - St. Gertrude nov 16 Pray for enemies

    Joe - St. John the Baptist June 24 & Aug 29 Pray for the prophets of our day

    Anna - St. Therese Doctor Oct 1 Pray for an outpouring of love in families

    Mary - St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Nov 8 Strive to offer a loving, dwelling place in your heart for the Holy Trinity

    Rose - St. Alphonsus De Ligouri Aug 1 Pray for good spiritual directors

    Dominic - St. Elizabeth mother of John the Baptist Nov 5 Pray for all mothers that they welcome new life

    Patra - Holy Souls in Purgatory Nov 2 Pray for the Holy Souls and allow them to help you pray for a deeper communion with the saints

    Aidan - The Cure of Ars, St. John Vianney FOR THE YEAR OF THE PRIEST! Pray for Priests...what graces.

    Evelyn - St. Albert Doctor, Nov 15 Pray that all would recognize God as the Creator of all science.

  80. PrayHopeDontWorry

    James - St. Seraphim of Sarov Jan 2 Pray for unity of the Church

    Ian - St. Nicodemus Aug 3 Pray for the enlightenment of Israel

    Stephanie - Archangel Raphael Sept 29 Pray for the healing of families

  81. This is so good of you to do! Please pick a saint for me, as I am sure I need one for the year to come. God bless your family!


  82. Thank you Allison. Due to the New Year, we went to 1st Friday and thought since we already started in Jan, we would continue to make our 9

  83. Hi,
    If it is not too late would you pick a Saint for us?

    Thank you for doing this!!!
    God Bless,

  84. Please pick a saint for me and for my daughter; Elizabeth.

    Thank you.

  85. Could you pick out a patron saint for me and my family? Thank you.

  86. Allison, I'm way behind on my blogs because I've been sick, but if it isn't too late I'd love for you to pick a Saint for me this year. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John of God, and St. Dismas are my 3 "permanent" Patrons, but I think I could benefit from a Patron for 2010!

  87. Oh yeah! I'll bite!


    new baby

  88. Hello!
    I am in the market for another companion for the year! St. Louis de Montfort kept me company all 2009!

    My husband is seeking too! His name is Joe!

    Thank you for your ministry!


  89. If it's not too late, JMJ, I would love a siant for 2010. Would you pick one for me?

  90. Hello,
    We would love to start this beautiful tradition in our family. We are new to homeschooling this year.
    Mom, Cameron(11), and Liam(8). Also, wondering if you could pick one for my hubby, although he is not Catholic.
    Thanks so much!

  91. Hi there! I would love an idea for a Saint Companion! Don't know if this will help, but I am a homeschooling, chaotic mom of 4. If you want more info, let me know :)

    Thanks! Melissa Contreras

  92. HI there. I am a married with two daughters, homeschooled and would really appreciate your helping me pick a saint. Thanks, Roxie

  93. Dear Lynn,

    For you - St. Benedict Joseph Labre - April 16 Pray for the homeless

    Jeffrey - Blessed Leonie Martin, sister of St. Therese, the Little Flower June 16 Pray for children who are not understood

    Regan - Wow! St. Therese, the Little Flower Oct. 1 Pray for an outpouring of love in families

    Alec - St. Ambrose, another Doctor of the church Dec. 7 Pray that all honor the magisterial teachings of the Catholic Church and through Mary's intercession babies are welcomed into families.

    Kaley - St. elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist Nov 5 Pray for all mothers, that they will welcome new life.

    Fiona - The Cure of Ars, St. John Vianney of teh Year for Priest Aug 4 Pray for priests

    Ian - St. Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity Nov 8 Strive to offer a loving, dwelling place in your heart for the Holy Trinity

  94. Dear Crystal -

    For you - St. Albert Nov 15 Doctor of the Church Pray that all would recognize God as the Creator of all science

    For your daughter - The Holy Souls in Purgatory Nov. 2 Pray for the Holy Souls

  95. Dear Anonymous - The saint for you is - one of my personal favorites as I have had him twice...St. Peter Julien Eymard Aug 3 Pray that souls make jesus in the Eucharist their first joy in life. Perhaps this is the year to schedule a regular Holy hour of Eucharistic adoration as he is the saint of that.

    For your family - St. Luke Oct 18 Pray for those who are questioning their faith in the Church

  96. Dear Kelly - I pray that this saint will be a guiding and great comfort to you. You are in my prayers.

    The Holy Innocents Dec. 28 Pray for an end to abortion

  97. Dear Kelly - I pray that this saint will be a guiding and great comfort to you. You are in my prayers.

    The Holy Innocents Dec. 28 Pray for an end to abortion

  98. Helloooooo Laura the Crazy Mama!

    For you - St. Alphonsus de Ligouri Aug 1 Pray for good spiritual directors

    Butch - St. Catherine of Siena April 29 Pray for holy women in all states of life

    Trina - St. Jose maria Escriva June 26 pray that all would find THE WAY to live FOR Christ each day.

    Matthew - The Holy Guardian Angels Oct 2 Help someone to know their Guardian Angels

    Analise - St. Seraphim of sarov jan 2 Pray for unity of the Church

    Niklaus - St. Nicodemus Aug 3 Pray for the enlightenment of israel

    Mariela - Archangel Raphael Sept 29 Pray for healing of families

    Thomas - St. Francis of Assisi Oct 4 Pray for the gift of faith

    New baby - St. Cyril of jerusalem march 18 Pray for those who are distracted and bewitched by false teachings

  99. Hi Anna and Joe!

    for Anna - Mary Mother of God, Queen of all Saints pray for those rebelling against the Church

    For Joe - St. Dismas, the good thief and 1st into heaven Pray for the conversion of criminals

  100. So nice to "see" you Rosemary!

    Your saint - Our Lady of Lourdes Feb 11 Pray for the apostles of Our Lady and for healings

  101. Hi Tallyma!

    For you - St. Camille of Lellis (I had him last year) Pray for those in healthcare

    Cameron - St. Clare of Assisi Aug 11 Pray for consecrated to grow in purity for Jesus

    Liam - St. Lawrence Aug 10 Carry the poor in your heart and pray for them

    Dad - St. Thomas More June 22 Pray that Judges and lawyers decide for a Culture of Life

  102. Hi Melissa C & family -

    St. Joan of Arc May 30 Pray for bravery to go where God is leading you and for France and the conversion of freemasons

  103. Hello Anonymous with 2 daughters -

    Our Lady of Mount Carmel July 16 Pray for peace and interior silence in hearts, especially those of bishops and priests

    This would be the year to seek investiture in the scapular. Read Garment of Grace.

  104. Please would you let us know which Saints have chosen us!

    Our business
    Our website

    Thanks and God bless.

  105. Thank you so much! We look forward to learning more about these saints. For St. Camille- I worked in healthcare for many years and my husband still does. Also, we have a local church named after St. Thomas More- in fact- we were there last Sunday attending the Latin mass that they only hold 4 times a year!

  106. For Jonathon -

    St. Benedict Labre April 16 Pray for the homeless

    Lily - St. John Bosco Jan 31 Pray for teachers

    Business - St. Albert the Great Doctor of the Church Nov 15 Pray that all would recognize that God is the Creator of all sCIENCE

    Website - St. Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptist Nov 5 Pray for all mothers, that they will welcome new life

  107. Hi Allison,
    I've long lurked on your lovely Traditional blog! Would you kindly pick saints for our family and maybe one more for our homeschool? Thank you in advance!

    J.C. (me)
    R. (husband)
    G. (daughter-12)
    J. (daughter-7)
    M. (daughter-1)
    Our Homeschool

  108. Would love to have a saint for our family.

  109. Hi Allison I'm behind in my reading but I would love if you would do this for us.

    The Klug Family

    Thank you!!

  110. For the KLUG family - St. Bernadette of Lourdes April 16 Offer Sacrifices to mary for her intentions

    For Anonymous family - Blessed Jacinta of Fatima July 26 Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

    NPMOM Maryellen - St. Benedict July 11th Pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God

    Your Nolan - Our Lady of Mount Carmel July 16 Pray for peace and interior silence in the hearts of Bishops and Priests. (Perhaps the year to make investiture in the Scapular!!)

    Your Paul - St. Elijah Pray for a deepening of faith throughout the world

  111. For the KLUG family - St. Bernadette of Lourdes April 16 Offer Sacrifices to mary for her intentions

    For Anonymous family - Blessed Jacinta of Fatima July 26 Pray for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

    NPMOM Maryellen - St. Benedict July 11th Pray for the coming of the Kingdom of God

    Your Nolan - Our Lady of Mount Carmel July 16 Pray for peace and interior silence in the hearts of Bishops and Priests. (Perhaps the year to make investiture in the Scapular!!)

    Your Paul - St. Elijah Pray for a deepening of faith throughout the world

  112. JC - St. Anthony of Egypt Jan 17 Pray for the purification of the world from evil

    R - St. Mary Mother of God Pray for those rebelling against the Church

    G - St. Thomas Aquinas Jan 28, Doctor of the Church Pray for the conversion of lukewarm souls

    J - The Holy Guardian Angels Oct. 2 Help someone meet and get to know their guardian angel

    M - St. MArtin de Porres Nov 3 Pray for greater humility, charity and generosity in God's service

    Homeschool - St. Cyril of Jerusalem Doctor of the Church March 18 Pray for all those who are distracted and bewitched by false teachings

  113. My 8 year old friend from A HANDMAID....Ian is it?

    Our Lady of Fatima May 13 Pray for greater devotion to the Rosary among Christians

  114. Hi-
    I would like a saint for my family and for each of us individually.
    Quinn (son, almost 9)
    Kyra (daughter, 7)

  115. JMJ

    Could you please pick a saint for us? Last year you picked St. Jane de Chantal...and she is on my birthday!! Yes, I believed the Saint picked me:) Thank you so much.

    Peace of Christ,
    Carmen Braaten


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