The Simple Woman's Daybook

1:27 PM

I'm participating in A Simple Woman's Daybook carnival.

Outside my Window...A new umbrella over a lounge chair for shady observing of backyard shennanigans. It beckons...
Also, there are sunflowers growing under the birdfeeders!

I am thinking of...How quickly summer will pass and how I really must finish my assigned homeschool yearbook pages!

I am thankful for...My Latin Mass community, so many fun families and other friends of all ages. It's a given we'll all be crowded on the outside steps chatting it up after church, so sweet.

From the kitchen...a fresh swept floor, a necessity after snackin' on oreos.

I am creating...To-Do lists and yearbook pages, no more procrastinating, it's on my list to do today!

I am going... to "slow down on the spending". The school books and school room furniture additions are completed. Really hunny....

I am long, denim, black skirt and a pretty bright linen tunic with sandals....maybe even some lipstick left over from Church.

I am reading... 8th grade MODG curriculum books (Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis) and other school idea books for next year.

I am hoping....that the weather stays below 90. I really dislike heat and keeps me indoors.

I am daughter's imaginative play conversations and want to tape it, so cute! I caught this picture of her reading.
Around the house....the lillies by the mailbox are outrageous! I seem to be the only one who likes it that way. The hydrangeas are blooming...wish they were blue. Golf is very literally being played around-the-house as the kids imagine a "course", identifying holes. Bright sunshine is streaming in the windows.

A Favorite thing...seeing things get organized, a fresh start! I did some reorganizing of the schoolroom bookshelves. I think I will have easier access to items once the rest of the books & furniture arrive. I will be set for school and won't have to think about it until September. The school book reading is another story....

Plans for the coming week... I'd like to plan a visit with my Nana and Uncle and with homeschooling friends the kids miss. The laundry room and my hubby's study are scheduled for a streamlining day. On Thursday, the charity truck comes and thankfully the excess goes out!

A Picture to share... well two, of the school room. (click on photo to enlarge)


  1. Wow, the school room looks lovely. I'll try not to be jealous. ;)

    God Bless,

  2. Wow, the school room looks lovely. I'll try not to be jealous. ;)

    God Bless!

  3. Delicious! LOL Having a cozy and tidy school room is so motivating! What a great idea to place wedding photos nearby, and seeing it offered me a thought. I think I'm going to dig out photos of the children's sacraments, frame them and set them all around our school areas as a testament to the many blessings they offer us as a Catholic family. Obviously I have a plethora of wedding photos with the older children, but not in the school area. Goose bumps ahead, thanks for sharing your room! I'm with you on the humidity too, blech! Never had this at all in the west! I get funny hair here...LOL Happy planning, happy fun crossing off things on your to-do list. Mine is LONG today, everyone went home last night. boohoo...

  4. Hi Rhonda - did youpick your curriculum for your son next year?

    Renee - remember Rosanne Rosanadana? That's my hair in humidity! :)

    I LOVE your idea of putting the children's Sacramental pictures on the bookshelves, thanks for the great idea!

    I was looking at the pictures of your daughters hugging. They all look like their beautiful mommy, especially the one who flew in. You are so blessed. Your family photos, especially the ones on the sidebars just take my breath away!

  5. I haven't ordered the curriculum yet, but we are using Kolbe next year. I can't wait to get the books and get everything organized!
    Thanks for asking.
    God Bless!

  6. Wow, your school room looks like a library, I would love to learn there! Have a good day:)


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