Summer boredom busters

2:48 PM
Posted for all to see on the pantry....

(Click on the image to see it larger.)

There's no reason to hear the dreaded , "Mom....I'm bored." And eventhough I know that I could have listed MORE ideas on a 2nd poster board, I bet I will still hear those words at some point this summer. ;)

Any ideas to share? Would love to see others post their board/bored o'ideas!


  1. I loved this idea! Thanks for sharing. We'll have to make one.. I didn't see anything on cooking/baking... I bet they would love it!

  2. Glad to find someone has come up with boredom buster ideas. I was flabbergasted today when my three year old daughter told me she was bored. You can only imagine my shock. I told her she was too young to even know what being bored meant. I immediately found some little activities for her to do. I'm sure she picked up the phrase from her older brother.

  3. Great idea!!!!

    We will make our list and share!

    Thanks for the ideas and another quote about happiness!

  4. Oooh - awesome ideas! Love the "choose happiness" quote - I need to borrow that! My "stock" answer for "I'm bored" is "Well, the bathroom needs cleaning - go do it. That will give you something to do!" [My kids don't tell me they are bored much anymore... I wonder why...?] LOL!


  5. yup, even us adults say we're bored:) just ask my hubby:)

  6. I saw your comment at "My Thoughtful Spot" regarding the Huke Lau restaurant, and to answer your question, it is still there. I hope you will be able to come to the Homeschool conference.

  7. What an awesome idea! I am going to "borrow" some of what is listed on your board, especially the happiness quote. :-)

  8. Ha! I just made up our list the other day on a white board. No boredom allowed aboard!

  9. Here's a pile of ideas for your summer fun from a post on my blog long ago! Enjoy!

    Oh, and we LOVE OLV too!

  10. Renee - you are just the sweetest and it makes my day to hear from you. I bet you have that effect on all the friends lucky enough to know you in person. I am so blessed to have "met" you here in the blog world!

    Thank you for the link to the 2006 summer ideas. I now have a new addendum list to hang beside my poster. How could I have missed....

    ...magnifying glass
    ....learn magic tricks your own board game
    ....collage poster
    .....paper airplanes

    Thanks so much thoughtful friend. And thank you to all the wonderful friends who make me happy with their comments. I am grateful for you ALL!

  11. This is a great idea! I might have to borrow that idea and use not just for summer but for whenever I'm busy. Maybe the list could change seasonly?



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