Madonna Del Roseto

4:12 PM
In this village in Italy....
Our Lady is honored as Madonna Del Roseto in a southern town called Solopaca.

My Husband's family, from his maternal grandmother's side, came from this place.

Every first Sunday in June those now living in America still celebrate with a Mass and luncheon. The legacy of these families and their names are now becoming familiar to me. My children, as they make their 1st Holy Communions participate in crowning our statue replicating the one in Italy.

I always wonder what it will be like in years to come as the originators pass away? Will the next generation honor these traditions and more importantly this faith in Mary Our Mother? Will some of the Mass still be prayed in Italian? Will the stories live on?

Is it coincidence that today my rose bush has burst into life? The roses renew, they spring forth from buds, they delight with's a good sign!

Madonna Del Roseto, pray for us.


  1. It's great when families carry on traditions. Especially from the old country. My family and my husband's family both originated from southern Italy as well but sadly enough no religious traditions remain, only stories.
    Beautiful pictures.

  2. It looks like we're both married to good Italian men. I've had to learn the Italian way, and I love all the beautiful Catholic traditions!

  3. I hope this tradition lives on. It is a wonderful one.

  4. Hi, I am Michelangelo Ciarcia, I write from Solopaca.

    It is a pleasure for me that Our Madonna of the Roseto is also revered by you.

    I am happy that our townsman, still gone many years ago away, souvenir the origins.

    I am the chemist of the country this it is my pharmacy.

    An affectionate regard to all of your community from all the inhabitants of Solopaca.

  5. I want to thank you for this site. My grandparents were from Solapaca and belonged to the Madonna del Roseto Society. I have a picture and the story of the drought and hold it dear to me, as my grandparents did. I have recently , specifcally reached out to the Blessed Mother, for her help with a physical problem causing me more stress than I can handle and she has been with me and is changing my life. Believe, Linda


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