Got Promises?

This is a photo of a very large rosary, a wall rosary. It belonged to my husband's grandmother and now is a part of our home.

Recently, the Pope was quoted about the Rosary, calling it The School of Mary.

The rosary is a part of First Saturday Devotions. There was a very dear Priest who was devoted to the Moms of my area. He was very Marian and always held a First Saturday Devotion. After he died a few of us Moms had the idea to honor him, remember him and invoke his intercession at our own First Saturday devotion. To this day, many of us ( and many Moms who never even knew him) meet every First Saturday. We have an early Mass and then afterwards have breakfast at a diner that sometimes goes till lunch time! The conversation is always on spiritual topics and very spirited!

A Mom's morning out is a blessing but the reparation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Our Blessed Mother is more meaningful and a much needed devotion of the Catholic faith!

(Research the devotions of our faith -The Holy Rosary-First Fridays-First Saturdays and many more for the promises they offer...and we need!)


  1. What a lovely story about your priest and all the people still devoted to him. What an honor.

  2. What a great idea for first Saturdays!! I did the first Sat and first Friday devotions many years ago, do you know, is it needed to be repeated? It is a little harder now that we have children to make them!!! But somehow those days do seem much more holy, like I can feel the graces more!


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