Of Mary There is Never Enough

mother & infant ....

The book, The Mystical City of God keeps coming up for me, on lists, mentioned as top Catholic reads by holy priests....

and Of Mary There is Never Enough by William Biersach is a feast of words extolling Our Lady. Here again is another mention of this saint to know....

...No one could ever "look down" at the vulnerable humanity of Jesus Christ more intimately than Mary His Mother as she held Him in Her arms. She nursed Him, clothed Him, saw to His physical needs when He was a defenseless infant. [He chose for it to be that way.]

In this light, do not the reverent words of a Saint make far more sense than the mediocre rendition handed to us on paper plates by the modernists?

In my admiration I can say with St. Dionysius and Areopagite:"If faith would not instruct me, and if the understanding of what I see would not teach me, that is God, who conceived Her in his mind, and who alone could and can in his Omnipotence form such an image of his Divinity, if all this were not present to my mind, I might begin to doubt, whether the Virgin Mother contain not in Herself Divinity."

- Sister Mary of Jesus of Agreda, "The Conception"
Mystical City of God

If the flowery language is a bit much for our twenty-first century taste, we would do well to remember that ours is a culture that caters to the lowest common element of society. Ours is the culture that over-humanizes Christ at the expense of His Divinity. Ours is the culture that celebrates the mediocre, panders the trivial, and promotes the vulgar. Yet ours is the culture that looks back on the past with disdain, as if our ancestors lacked our "class". Truly, we don't know the meaning of the word....

God chose The Blessed Mother from all time, do not let the times diminish her in your heart.

There's Something about Mary, day 15.


  1. I have been posting a picture of Mary everyday this month.

    I just love our faith. I just love Mary!

  2. I really like what you wrote at the end about Mary choosing Mary for all times, even our time!! How true and how people forget that.

    Yes, I'd love a prayer book, email me and I'll send you my address and money...


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