Join me in honoring the Blessed Mother - Something About Mary

Throughout the month of May, Mary's month, let's post often in honor of Our Blessed Mother.

Here's a Meme, of sorts, or ideas for blog entries.

  • Favorite book about Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Favorite Saint devoted to Mary and their quotes on Our Lady

  • Other favorite quotes on Blessed Virgin Mary

  • Favorite Marian Prayer, devotion

  • Favorite Marian title, image, statue (post picture)

  • Favorite Marian experience, pilgrimage, shrine

  • Favorite Marian movie

  • Favorite Marian hymn

Add more....

For all those who respond, I will enter your names into a bowl and choose a winner on May 31st, the one year anniversary of my blog. The prize is the Catholic Apologetics booklet pictured below and a Love Notes box from Once Upon A Family (just in time for Father's Day.) I'll be sure to add some surprise gifts in as well! ;)

Ave Maria!


  1. I would love to join you in Honoring Our Mother.


  2. I will always opt to honor my Mama Mary...even without the incentives. Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, ora pro nobis!

  3. Hello! Thank you for your recent comment on my blog. To answer your question, the seminary which I attend does not really do anything extraordinary for the month of May. We do continue to pray the Regina Coeli/Angelus at the proper times and we say the Rosary on Sunday nights together.

    I wanted to suggest to you this article of mine from last year:

    Some Marian Prayers are part of this list:

  4. I'm trying to add some posts about Mary on the blog this week. A few are going up today, including one about your contest...



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