To God Who giveth joy to my youth

The gate to the altar said, "Introibo ad altare Dei." I will go in unto the altar of God.

The response at Latin Mass is, "Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam." To God Who giveth joy to my youth.

Much joy was had on our field trip to DC on Tuesday. Our homeschool group even met up with another homeschooling family visiting the area that heard of our trip on a Catholic homeschool yahoogroup! So 7 homeschool families accompanied by a kind Priest spent the day touring the Basilica. Our priest said Mass for us in a side chapel. After a few hours we left to visit the John Paul II cultural center interactive museum. The kids had the whole place to themselves and were delighted to be given clipboards and a scavenger hunt list.

Below are some photographs from the trip. As the April Shower of Photos blog carnival ends I post these and hope that the 30 or so blog photographers who tried new things will continue to be inspired by Jennifer's idea and will keep taking photos and talking about them. It's been great!


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