The wonderful thing about Tiggers ... and Pooh
I had to smile and think back on a childhood shared with Pooh. My children adore this sweet family of characters - Pooh, Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, Rabbit, Gopher, Owl, Roo...
Our video collection is vast and like comfort food, they come back to these movies often. We are a house of Pooh videos, books, and giant stuffed animals. I'll always remember each of their childhood's as shared with Pooh. I have 3 Christopher Robins and like the Disney Tigger and Pooh new animated morning show, I also have a new, little Darby... Christopher Robins' kid sister.
How fun! I just started reading the first Whinnie the Pooh book to my 7 yo. I enjoyed reading it to my other children and it never gets old. So fun!