Like a captain at the helm of a ship

17 years ago

THE NEW YORK TIMES recently wrote so beautifully, so metaphorically about the Traditional Latin Mass. Here is an excerpt....

On a hushed, stained-glass Sunday, in a small old church that had lately regained some of its original luster, a priest stood before the altar in the vaulted gold sanctuary praying quietly — whispering, almost — in a language largely unfamiliar to most Roman Catholics under the age of 50.

“Dominus vobiscum,” the Rev. John Grimm said. (“The Lord be with you.”)

“Et cum spiritu tuo,” replied the three altar boys flanking him. (“And with thy spirit.”)

Father Grimm was looking not at the 117 worshipers, almost a full house, who were kneeling in the pews of Our Lady of Victories, but toward the large crucifix hanging above the altar, like a captain at the helm of a ship.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful story, and a worthy tribute to Father Grimm's holiness. What a blessing to know him; I cannot wait to hear him celebrate a Tridentine Mass!

    Thank you for sharing this story.


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