Suffer the Children!

11:34 AM
From this website...

Another very grave error which has invaded the Church is the new-age sex cult, a cult which permeates every facet of modern society. Two manifestations of this are birth control, and sex indoctrination of children, commonly called sex-ed.

Traditionally, Catholics are known for having large families, and for having an aversion to public discussion of morally sensitive and private topics. Nowadays, the opposite is the norm. Consider the USCCB-approved program Growing in Love.

Pope Pius XI vociferously condemned classroom sex-ed in his encyclical on Catholic Education of Youth (below). But the modernists, who have overturned Popes Ven. Pius IX, Leo XIII, and St. Pius X, as we have seen, also run roughshod over Pius XI.

Pray the rosary to end the adultification of our children in our sexualized society.

Also, the Protecting your Daughter post here highlights the responsibility we have to our teens to combat the lies of the world.

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