A Girl on her knees ~ The Annunciation

6:44 AM
Today marks the first day of Mary's pregnancy with Jesus. In nine months Christ will be born!

Artwork of The Annunciation has always spoken to my heart. Even before I came back to my faith, I collected prints of the Annunciation. Something about a girl on her knees and an Angel of God speaking to her resonated with The Truth and a need for humility.

For more on celebrating this day, the Day of the Unborn click here.


  1. Just a point of clarification....since 3/25 (the normal date for the Feast of the Annunciation) falls within the octave of Easter, the celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation has been moved to Monday 3/31.

  2. Thank you.

    Heart of Seton Yahoogroup and Unborn Word of the Day daily emails both lead me to this info for today. And indeed, nine months from now on December 25th we will celebrate the birth of Jesus.

  3. One of my very favorite works of art...


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