If you HAD to choose...
If you HAD to choose one or the other would you choose...
- Thai or MEXICAN
- bubble bath or BACK MASSAGE, prefer foot actually....
- boots or SANDALS
- the 90% "pro-life" good chance or the 100% PRO-LIFE LONG SHOT(This is a hard one, but if everyone choose the 100% pro-life candidate, he would no longer be the "long shot!")
- a CRUISE SHIP or a mountain cabin
- ROME or Paris
- ROSARY or Stations
- SURF or hang glide
- Regal Cinemas or NETFLIX
- sweet or salty - BOTH!
- PEN or pencil
- HOW-TO BOOK or fantasy novel
- CROSSWORD or sudoku
- LOSE A LEG, God forbid or lose your sight
- NORTH or South
- a power outage at home or a DEAD CAR BATTERY AT COSTCO
- CLASSIC ROCK or country
- wool or LINEN
- lots of good friends or a FEW GREAT FRIENDS
- soup or SALAD
- Merlot or Chardonnay (MARGARITA??)
- Picasso or DA VINCI
- CHARADES or trivial pursuit
- Evangelical Protestantism or Orthodox Judaism (HOLY SPIRIT, CONVERT THEM BOTH PLEASE?)
- stone age or DARK AGE
Thermopylae or ALAMO, we're doing American History this year - Big Foot or LOCH NESS MONSTER
- BABIES to hold AND TEENAGERS to mold
TAG, YOU'RE IT! Thanks to Shower of Roses.
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