Homeschool class pets

One of the real beauties we've come to enjoy while homeschooling is birdwatching!

It is a welcome break each day to see what types of birds (and squirrels) are visiting our feeders. We can identify them and really enjoy an up close look. Recently, we put a feeder up closer to the school room and now #2 son can be almost nose to nose studying their little feet and eyes.

Our animal visitors are not a bad distraction, in fact, they're invited. They are our homeschool class pets!


  1. We have a similar birdfeeder, but our cats have discovered it and sit there, scaring the birds!

  2. Hi Leticia - that must make for some entertaining "catwatching"! :)

    Our squirrel broke this feeder, we're on to another one that sturdier.

    LOVE your blogs, thanks sooooo much for visiting mine!


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