God Homeschooled Today

Today was one of those days I love homeschooling.

The kids slept later today, and I love that they could! I had some time to quietly drink my coffee and greet them each individually as the straggled downstairs. It is our first "real" week back to school after Christmas vacation and they've been great at getting back to work. Oh, there were plenty of distracting moments of hijinx....but all in all I'll remember it as one of those days that warms my heart and affirms the blessing of this education.

Today, God stepped in.

I love it when He does that! He shows and reveals Himself to us in a quiet and unexpected moments.

As we started our day, all of us at the round schoolroom table, I was reading from the Saint of the day. I noticed an email come in from a homeschooling board with a mom asking for advice. I read it to myself and, for some reason I can not explain, I read parts of it to the big boys (10 & 12). I hoped that they would not feel a license to act up or imitate the behavior this mom was lamenting but that they'd rise to maturity and offer advice...and they did! They really thought about it and were able to recognize lessons they've learned. That was good enough!

At the end of the day I was reading from the virtue program,  PACE  and we were instructed to a story about St. Monica and St. Augustine from THE MORAL COMPASS. Halfway through the story my eldest popped up and exclaimed, "Wait, Mom...God wanted us to read just this today! This is what we need to share with that Mom...to pray for her son, to never give up! Cool. "


God set it all up.

He was helping me homeschool today! Thank you Lord!

My boy's hearts were warmed today too...with the reality that God steps in and leads us, delights us, TEACHES  us.....

And I am reminded, once again, that I am just the "sub"...really, just another student... and He is Christ, the Teacher!


  1. Lovely...thank you so much for sharing!

  2. One of the many reasons that I love reading your blog...a heart-warming story, a lesson to take away, and a smile on my face. Thank you for that, especially at the end of a long day!

    God bless!

  3. Thank you for this beautiful post! Thank you for the reminder of who the "real" teacher is!



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