Ave Maria

4:49 PM
A heartfelt Hail Mary...so powerful! Thank you ALL for your prayers. You were so generous, kind and prompt with your compassion and the virus seems to have subsided. Praise God!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Isn't this video great? A good friend of ours created it.

    Thanks for your visits to my blog!! I'm so glad you tagged your self for the choices meme.

    We do love the Extraordinary form of the Mass. Actually, 2 of my husbands brothers are priests in the FSSP (have you heard of them?) and his last, and youngest, brother will be ordained this coming May in Nebraska! Unfortunately, our closest Latin Mass is 5 hours away, but hopefully, that won't remain the case.

    As far as looking familiar, I'm not sure :) Maybe we have met, or maybe you have at one time, met one of my husbands brothers? What part of the country do you live in? You can email me at:
    thegordonclan_1@msn.com, if you'd like!

    You have a great blog, and a beautiful family! May God bless you all!


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