Ring around the Rosary, revisited

As October is the Rosary month, I thought I'd revisit this...

Let us pray with childlike devotion. :)


  1. Now that's just the cutest thing ever!!!!!

    I love how she gets dizzy, but composes herself and still keeps going!!

  2. Precious moments. My kids still wear the rosary and put the rosary in their mouth.....sweet babies.

    I like the "dizzy devotion"....would make a good name for a blog. Sometimes my life has been so busy I feel like my days are a dizzy devotion.

    God Bless

  3. I am converting from "reformed" protestantism to Catholicism and thoroughly enjoy your blog. This video is simply precious - endearing.

    I worried about my children - who are nine and five - accepting the changes in belief and practice, but they have taken to them all with no reservation. My son, who is five, grabs a rosary WHENEVER he wants to pray... even if he's saying the mealtime blessing.

    Thank you for sharing so much of your life.


  4. O Jennifer, thank YOU! You have touched my heart today.

    I am grateful to the God of hope for allowing me to hear about your conversion. I was not surprised to hear about the children. Their pure hearts are not yet polluted to the Truth, so they can recognize it as see it as "home" for their hearts.

    Welcome HOME, Jennifer! I look forward to "talking" to you more. :)

  5. Is this your daughter? My 3 year old has a crush on her...he keeps asking for me to play it again and again! He gets the sweetest smile on his face too!

  6. That was terribly adorable!! I love it!!

  7. So sweet! So precious! So beautiful to have this video to capture her childlike devotion just as St. Therese instructed us, the adults to be like. Oh, do keep this forever and ever and someday your progeny will cherish every second of it! God Bless!

  8. Sweet...

    I remember when you posted this...it was cute then, and it's cute now! She's really growing up...


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