from St. Anselm ~ my new daily prayer

8:51 AM
O God, let me know You and love You so that I may find my joy in You; and if I cannot do so fully in this life, let me at least make some progress every day, until at last that knowledge, love and joy come to me in all their plentitude.

~ St. Anselm of Canterbury, Doctor of the Church


  1. Hi! My name is Katrina. I'm 15 years old and a Catholic Homeschooler. I just wanted to introduce myself and subscribe to your blog. Mine is; ! Please visit and we can get to know eachother! I was looking for other Catholic Homeschool families. =D

    God Bless,


  2. hi, could you please add a brief bio of Saint Anselm as a link in this post? would be wonderful!

  3. stop by my blog for a surprise:) you'll see it the second you get there, especially notice the new name of my blog, and what it is about:)

  4. Good Morning Marilena,

    I wish my blog would underline my links. The name, St. Anselm, under the quite IS a link to his bio. Can you tell me how I can make my links look more like links?

    Have a great week!

  5. Hi Katrina - It is so great to see the blog of a 15 yo like yourself. You give me great hope for our future!

    Thanks for visiting and keep blogging!

  6. Thank you, and I will keep it up! And please keep visiting my blog too. And commenting!!!

    God Bless,


  7. no:( it automatically does it with the pyzam blogger templates. i don't know how other site templates do it.


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