Another Son to Franciscan University!

My 2nd homeschooler received his acceptance letter to college today. So proud of his hard work!

He'll be joining his brother at Franciscan University.  Deo Gratias! 
"There’s no place quite like Franciscan University of Steubenville, and its students’ enthusiasm for serving God both during and after their college years is most refreshing and exciting.
"Few institutions share Franciscan University’s reputation for strong Catholic identity… a thoroughly Catholic environment that prepares servants of God for every walk of life, while offering a solid education and vibrant campus life."
—From The Cardinal Newman Society write-up of us in their 2015 Guide to Choosing a Catholic College


  1. Congratulations!!! This is so awesome!!

  2. How exciting!!!! congratulations!

  3. Yeah! Congratulations to both of you. Job well done!

  4. Awesome! My 16 y/o daughter hopes to go there when she graduates high school... she is working hard towards that goal! Peace and congratulations!


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