Holy Thursday at St. Peter's in Steubenville - Photo Essay

We knew we'd see a reverent and beautiful Holy Thursday Mass at St. Peter's in Steubenville.  

Twelve men came forward to have their feet washed.  I recognized many of them from EWTN, their books or as professors from Franciscan University.

The Novus Ordo Mass was said Ad Orientem to a packed Church.

The priest offers Mass facing the same direction as the people, because he and the people together are offering worship and sacrifice to God. He is not turning his back on the people to exclude them. Rather, as a Christian community, are all facing ad orientem (i.e. toward the east) waiting in joyful expectation for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ who will return to judge the living and the dead and the world by fire (Rite of Baptism, 1962). (LINK)

It was an evening of great solemnity, culminating in Father washing the striped altar.
 St. Isidore of Seville and St. Eligius of Noyon say that this ceremony was intended as an homage offered to Our Lord, in return for the humility wherewith He deigned to wash the feet of His disciples. (New Advent)

The Last Supper is over.

The agony in the Garden(1) and all the Sorrowful Mysteries of the The Most Holy Rosary - the scourging at the pillar (2) the crowning with thorns (3) the carrying of the cross (4) and the Crucifixion (5) fill my thoughts.

Complete ALBUM of photos from Holy Week 2014 in Steubenville, Ohio - LINK

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful church! My husband and I have been going to the Bible conference in Franciscan University in Steubeville and we never thought that there's this lovely church in there. Have to tell him that we should visit it when we go to the conference this year.


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