Longwood Gardens ~ 1,000+ acres of Oohs & Aahs


  1. I bet your boys keep you laughing, they are so funny!

    Love the beautiful pictures, love the cute punkin' on the pumpkin!

    Love the love story!

    those photos are just unreal!!

  2. Oh Allison! Words cannot express the beauty those photos hold. What a magical place. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous memories!

  3. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful place.

    I also went.....ahhhhh....when I saw the pic of your folks and the romance of their engagement.

  4. Wow, that place looks amazing. Love your pictures, too.
    God Bless.

  5. Absolutely gorgeous (kids AND the scenery!) I can feel the warmth coming through the computer, but it's not enough to raise the temps here.

    I have to say that photo of your eldest son looked so much like photos we paid to have taken for senior portfolios. Definitely frame worthy!

  6. what a beautiful tanquil place that must be, how wonderful your parents have a special spot to go back to, for that special anniversary of their heart. the pumpkins are HUGE !!

  7. Absolutely gorgeous photos! And, the story about your dad proposing to your mom was so sweet! :-)

    I am definitely adding this to our "to-do" list this fall!

    God bless,

  8. Lots of ooohs and ahhs is right! What a lovely place for a proposal... God's glory and majesty at it's finest! I adore pumpkin photos... You are so right, nothing cuter:) Thank you for sharing such beauty in your family tradition!


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