These Blessed Days

The days before Easter, holy days...days of vacation followed by the glory of Easter.

Pictures below tell a bit of the story of those days.

A day of tending my flowers....

APRIL FOOLS! I wish these were my flowers. But below...these are the flowers I attended to, my children and their cousins as we enjoyed days together.

Warm weather followed rain and spring flowers were blooming.

"Littles" painted eggs together.

Our Family photos from Easter 2010.

At the Easter Latin Mass, the Risen Lord statue behind me.

He is Risen, indeed!

A bunny cake with family after a glorious brunch.

Truly blessed day. I see Him in the beauty and flowers. I see Him in the eggs and new beginnings. I see Him in family love. I see Him in His Church and the Mass of His Saints.

"No one has ever laughed at a pun who did not see in the one word a twofold meaning. To materialists this world is opaque like a curtain; nothing can be seen through it. A mountain is just a mountain, a sunset just a sunset; but to poets, artists, and saints, the world is transparent like a window pane - it tells of something beyond....a mountain tells of the Power of God, the sunset of His Beauty, and the snowflake of His Purity."
~ ArchBishop Fulton J. Sheen


  1. Beautiful pictures! So glad you have had a wonderful Easter!

  2. Lovely photos, especially the ones of your family!

    Happy Easter! He is risen, alleluia!!!

  3. this post lifted me up so much ! I love the quote by Bishop Sheen. so true that we see not merely a mountain, not merely a star, or a bird, or a baby; but rather, christ's love, and hope for etermity with the Lord. and I tell you, when i saw those gorgeous rising flowers coming out of the garden, i thought oh my word, she is a master gardener -- haha you got me on that one! anyway, your family photo is beautiful. i love your daughter's Easter bonnet. i had one exactly like it (shape-wise) when i was perhaps her age -- mine was white with a daisy on the bring. thank you for bringing back that memory for me. Happy blessed Easter.

  4. Happy Easter, beautiful photos!!!

    Wow, that tell!!!!

  5. Cake to cute not to chronicle, right Jamie? Alas, it is store bought. Would be fun to have that talent, but I can appreciate it.

    Thanks for the Easter greetings friends. :)

  6. Happy Easter! Lovely pictures... beautiful family!

  7. Great quote from Sheen.
    This post is beautiful - your family is beautiful. God is good!!!


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