New Postage Stamp for Father Z

1:35 PM
The Father Z stamp...
It won't cause the stir that the Mother Theresa stamp has....I don't think....

We're enjoying our 2nd blizzard of 2010 within just days of each other. Twenty six inches last Saturday and now the same. It's been a snowy winter as December 19th started us out with 19 inches.

We're making sure the feeders are filled.
Cardinals should stand out

Welcome, friends!


  1. Too funny! Did you send it to him?

  2. I did, Lindsay.

    Wouldn't it be fun if he liked it?!

    He's coming to Mater Ecclesiae soon too and talking about a Philly blognic...

  3. I am a big bird feeder also. Look at all that snow!

  4. What a great pic!! And love that stamp!

  5. love his stamp. love his bog too. Oh I love cardinals peeking their red through the white of winter! thanks for sharing!

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only bird nut out in the world!! Great pics!!!

  7. Lindsay - Fr. Z must not like it...or me. I sent him the photo to his blog email and FB page.

    15 of my friends are his FB friends yet no confirmation for me there and I don't think I've even been confirmed to make comments on his blog.


    Somewhere, somehow I must have offended him...


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