Favorite Films on Fridays ~ Grand Canyon

1:21 PM

Want to join me on Fridays? Copy my Movie Marquee and link back to me and we'll share some of our Favorite Films on Fridays.

It's on my list.

Grand Canyon is one of my favorite movies.

Why? Well, Lawrence Kasdan is talented. Besides this movie, he has made many others I liked. This one, like the others, has a cast of great actors and also themes I find appealing.

The movie's themes, as I see them are:

* Life is precarious AND precious

* Be aware of the Ominous at work and of miracles (favorite line clocks in around 1:38)

* Destiny - we're interconnected (probably why I like LOST too)

* God works through people in our lives

* Coincidences? (I only believe in God-incidences)

* the effects of good deeds

* even when we are in situations we wish we weren't in, there IS a plan and a reason

* Who is in control? Are we?

* What to do with 2nd chances...redemption!

* lives saved...awakenings

It all comes full circle in this movie...and I find it hard to forget.


  1. wow.. thanks I am putting it on my list!

  2. I remember this movie-- I loved it then and would have never remembered its name! Thanks!


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