Sacred Heart of Jesus and homeschoolers

It's the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus!


Our Lord to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque
"Behold this Heart which has so loved men that it has spared nothing, even to exhausting and consuming itself, in order to testify its love."

What offering can a person dedicated to the Immaculate make to the Sacred Heart of Jesus? St. John Eudes has a suggestion:

O Jesus, only Son of God, only Son of Mary,
I offer Thee the most loving Heart of Thy divine Mother
which is more precious and pleasing to Thee than all hearts.

O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
I offer Thee the most adorable Heart of Thy well-beloved Son,
who is the life and love and joy of Thy Heart.

Blessed be the Most Loving Heart
and Sweet Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and the most glorious
Virgin Mary, His Mother,
in eternity and forever.
~St. John Eudes

In honor of the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, I will say the prayer composed by St. John Eudes. If during the day I can’t remember the words, I will simply offer the Immaculate Heart of Mary to the Lord and offer the Sacred Heart to my Mother Mary.

Our Homeschool group of 30+ Catholic families has been meeting for the First Friday devotion for 2 years now. We'll accomplish our 9th First Friday in June. The hand of God brought us to this. At our first meeting to create our group we agreed that we wanted to make the focus of our gatherings sacramental. We asked a friendly priest in a historic registry, city church if he would say First Friday Masses for homeschoolers. He courageously and unhesitatingly agreed, even agreeing to do more. Shortly thereafter his school shut down, but in God's Divine Providence He has sent this priest new!

Our beloved Father starts Adoration after his 8am Mass. At 11am the homeschoolers arrive for Adoration and Confession. Quiet a line forms as all the eligible children, their moms and sometimes even their dads fulfill the requirements of the devotion and of their Catholic conscience. There are usually about 50 of us in attendance! Before noon Father performs Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and then says a Mass just for us. His homily is always of a teaching nature to our children, who adore him. They talk about how he glows, his kindness. After Mass he allows us to stay and have lunch. It is a friendship building time of fellowship for the homeschoolers. What treasure this fine priest is storing up in heaven! He is such an example to all of us of self-sacrifice.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus surround this priest in fortifying love!


  1. How wonderful, Allison!

    May God bless you and yours on this most happy feast day...

  2. actually, that pic on the bottom left of my blog is not me. its only a photo i found on google to emphasize that women wearing veils and dressing modestly is indeed holy.


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