Being faithful to the Magisterium

In my faith journey I had to learn alot about what the Catholic Church teaches and what it means to say that I am Catholic, to be truly Catholic. It requires my daily conversion and mortification of my will. It also requires that I research my faith, embrace it, especially considering that the ramifications are eternal!

Faith is often hard. If it were easy there wouldn't be over 30,000+ denominations that broke off from Catholicism because they decided they didn't want to follow its teachings. Some Christians agree with Catholic teaching on not interfering with God's creative, life-giving power.

The Catholic Church is PRO LIFE. Therefore, Catholics practicing the Catholic faith are against the abortion of LIFE and the birth control of contracepting LIFE.

 Today is the feast of  St. Robert Bellarmine and the Church prays....

"O God, You adorned St. Robert Bellarmine, Your Bishop and Doctor, with marvelous learning and virtue, that he might overcome the deceptions of error and maintain the rights of the Apostolic See; grant, by his merits and intercession, that we may grow in the love of truth, and that the hearts of the erring may return to the unity of Your Church. Through Christ our Lord, Amen."


  1. Your blog is great! I hope to organize all I want to say like you do. I tend to write too much. You say what you want in a nice and neat manner.

  2. Amen!

    I just don't get it - if one does not BELIEVE what the Church teaches, why does one call oneself "Catholic"? I mean... isn't that what protestant Churches are for?!!!

    Seriously, you never hear of any other religion where people will claim to BE that religion but not believe what it teaches! Hello?!!!!


  3. I have maybe a dumb question....Do you belong to SSPX? Or do you have FSSP priests close to you?

    Just curious...!

  4. How nice is would be to have an FSSP priest close to us! We are not members of the SSPX, just in love with the Mass they protected, the Traditional Latin Mass. Since the Summorum Pontificum Our Holy Father is making headway encouraging his admiration of this Mass of Saints and in our Diocese we now have a weekly TLM.

    Have you ever been to one or read Pope Benedict's Spirit of the Liturgy?

    AT the TLM there is little room for abuse, the Priest says the black and does the red from the missal. It is very reverent, silence is allowed and I find that it puts me in the same state of peace I feel when I am in Eucharistic Adoration.


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