7 Quick Takes

This is my first time doing the 7 quick takes for Friday. I do have a hodge-podge of stuff to remember, so here goes....


I made this for dessert when a dear priest came over for dinner recently. It looked as delicious as it tasted and so I'll be making it again for a party tomorrow.

I baked sugar cookie dough into a tart pan then mixed together some vanilla pudding, whipped cream and a tad of cream cheese to spread. I wonder if adding some crushed pineapple to that would have been nice? Then, I just added berries and bananas. Refrigerate. Simple.


After a sunset meal on the deck of grilled steaks and veggies with roasted potatoes, we came inside, away from the mosquitoes for dessert. Father blessed the Holy Water with the old Latin prayers that include an exorcism of the water and the salt first...very powerful! This is where I printed off the prayers, LINK.


If you are on facebook and you are a Catholic homeschooler in PA, NJ, DE or MD, I set up a facebook group. JOIN us. Hopefully, we can create an online community of "local-ish" homeschoolers to share events, tips, field trips ideas and such.


A "find" to share - Want to introduce your children to more Shakespeare, the bard? Check out this link of animated tales. http://www.squidoo.com/shakespeare-animated-tales

Here's some that you can load on their ipod. http://www.myaudioschool.com/


Been enjoying a clever song parody today that a friend put on her facebook. It would be more comical if it weren't so true...here's the YOUTUBE link.


School prep - how about you? Lots of reading, syllabus prep and paperwork to organize for my first time highschooler and the other 3 students. Just finished 4 days of teleconferences listening to Laura Berquist describe the scope, sequence and more of Mother of Divine Grace History and Language Arts. We also corrected papers "together" on Webex. I have 2 more days of Religion teleconferences coming up. And, the other day my CD's from the IHM teleconferences arrived. I should have my head plugged into something for the rest of the summer!


For summer reading, one of the books I am having the boys read is Stand Up, Shake Hands, Say "How Do You Do" What Boys Need to Know About Today's Manners. We discuss each lesson and it's been very enjoyable and enlightening. Manners are a lost art, sadly. I remember as a young girl enjoying the pretty book my mother gave me, White Gloves and Party Manners. (Written by the same authors!) Isn't the title itself just great! It's easy to lose sight of these niceties and social protocol. I myself will be revisiting my Miss Manners (mine is not the "updated" version) in an attempt to recommit us all to gentility.

* My husband reminds me that we don't follow these measures for their sake, but rather good manners show respect and honors the inherent dignity of every person.


  1. That was fun to read!! I wrote down that Catholic Women's daily planner thing, will it make me more organized? Even with a new baby?

    That dessert looks too beautiful to eat!

  2. I use mainly MODG, too. Do you 'register/enroll' ... I haven't in the past, but that doesn't mean I haven't considered it!

    We are expecting two priests for supper tonight. Wish I'd have seen your dessert earlier. That's the only part of the meal I haven't quite decided upon. A tripleberry cobbler is at the top of the list, though.

  3. Dinner and dessert with Father looks like it was a lot of fun. And, I remember the White gloves and party manners book! I'll have to look into the one for boys as I want them to have good manners. Plus, the boys caught a little of the Shakespeare bug when doing Hamlet at co-op this year.

    Have fun with the teleconferences and prep work. It won't be much longer before my eldest hits high school and I'm having to revamp how we do things.

  4. Hi ladies!

    Jamie - this will be mny 3rd year using Michelle's planner and I do find it very helpful! I use her menu and planner pages for other notes.

    Suzie - This will be my second year enrolling in MODG. I appreciate their flexibility to allow some substitues, as I do use some other maths and spellers for certain grades. The benefit of a consultant and the TA's we use for my oldest son make this a very special program, in my opinion.

    Laura- I am tickled that someone else knew that book from my childhood! Sorry we missed the play with the boys.

    My husband reminds me that we don't follow these measures for their sake alone, but rather good manners show respect and honors the inherent dignity of every person.

  5. Thanks for the links to the manner books. It has been on my heart to do a "unit study" about manners for just the same reasons as your husband stated. These books look like they will come in handy.
    God Bless.

  6. That planner looks beautiful! I am thinking about trying that style this year, instead of a wall calendar. I will check out her site! Even though I don't homeschool, fall is already on my mind, and I'm trying to plan so that I can be a bit more organized getting everyone to school and keeping up with all that!

    You know, until this past February, I had never heard of blessed salt! So, I don't have any ... Plenty of holy water, but I need to have Father bless some salt for us, too =)


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