Every Catholic should know...

5:00 AM
12 Claims Every Catholic Should Be Able To Answer is a link I've saved and like to revisit.

It's important for Catholics to be able to answer questions about and defend our faith. So many misperceptions abound.

"There are not over a hundred people...who hate the Roman Catholic Church. There are millions, however, who hate what they wrongly believe to be the Catholic Church."- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

The study of Apologetics should be mandatory...in schools....in CCD...a lesson in each sermon...we are heading out to battle ill-prepared.



Top 10 anti-Catholic attacks

Catholics United for the Faith - Faith Facts

Own some books to refer to like this great series that covers all the bases .

What are the books and sources that strengthen your Catholic faith?


  1. I marked those 12 things as a favorite! Those are great, especially for a quick reference!

    Great post!

  2. I forgot to say, that is one of my very favorite quotes from Fulton J. Sheen!

    And so VERY true!

  3. Thank you for the links.

    I do not know how to change hearts. They seem so harden. SO many in my family have strayed.

    I try to focus on me, my dh and my children.

    I am so glad to have my blogger friends and Jamie because it sometimes feels like I am so different.

  4. I love that 12 Claims Site and will be sharing it with some family members. I think I 'see' a shopping spree after Lent to buy a few apologetics books for me.

  5. I was just listening to Fr. Corapi on the radio yesterday, and he said that all Catholics should be able to talk about (defend) the various aspects of our Faith for at least 10 minutes each (i.e., Eucharist, Majesterium, etc.)—he was using academic terms, kind of like a mini defense of a thesis. But, he said, most Catholics cannot (myself included, I admit).

    So, thank you for posting these links! I appreciate visiting you and constantly finding wonderful things that help me grow in my knowledge, understanding and love of the Catholic Church.

    God bless you today!

  6. Thank you for the great links. I was just listening to Catholic Answers the other day on EWTN radio about being able to defend our faith. So many other religions that go out door to door know how to defend their faith. While they may believe differently than us we should be able to point out those differences and explain why we beleive what we believe. Many of us probably couldn't.


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