Wordless Wednesday - FREEZE, pleeze!


  1. That is fabulous! We'd have no problem freezing it here-expected windchills of -40 from tonight through Friday!

  2. That is soooo cool!! I hope you get some of our cold, literally!!

    Our expected high is 4 below zero today with a 26 below zero wind chill and our expected low tonight is 20 below zero!! (actual temp) It is amazing that cars and just things actually work in those temps!!!

  3. Hey there Southern Vicki!

    It's an ice rink. :)

    We've got ice hockey nuts here.

  4. It's your hockey/skating rink, right? Wow, here in the south we'd be lucky to get 1/4" of ice on that, and then only for a couple of days.

    My kids would love that!

  5. Time to move up north here where we are freezing!!! It is too cold to skate outside! Will it be big enough?

    I am surrounded by you crazy hockey people. SO many folks I know do hockey around here. It gets so intense that they do hockey all year.

    Good luck to ice making. Looks too warm though. You don't even have snow??

  6. Yes! My eldest often says we should move up there and is very jealous of your snow and temps.

    It certainly isn't an official size rink, but it should be fun...if it freezes. This might be our shot as we are getting an artic blast, but you're right...we have NO snow! Our neighborhood does have a large pond if we need more room.

    With indoor rinks, my guys like to play all year too, but they are not blood thirsty, they play for fun. They get it from their Dad who plays in an "old man's league" once a week. It's nice comraderie for them, a joint venture. :)

    So send some snow this way!

  7. Thats so cool! Can I play soccer on it? Please! :)

  8. Too sweet! I'd hate to wish you our subzero temps, but it looks like you could really use them!

  9. Oh how fun! We are expecting some cold weather, but not cold enough for that.

  10. The Remaleys have their skates ready. hahaha


  11. my boys would just die if they saw that rink. too bad the poor guys get mostly mud around here. they literally pull each other around, in the sled, in the dirt. and make dirt "snowballs"!
    hope you get some freezing temps! it actually got cold here last night for a change.

  12. Wow! That is wonderful! What fun they're going to have.

  13. Your prayers are quite effective - we haven't had a cold snap like this in ages.
    Is it frozen enough yet that you can let a little warmth come our way? :)

  14. Oh, I've always wanted to do this in our backyard! How excellent!!!

    Thanks for your sweet comments about our miracle baby, William, and his story over at my blog.


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