Too REAL to talk about on Thanksgiving.....

If we deny the right to exist to the poorest among us, the unborn, with not even a thread of clothing to call their own…
then how will we respect the poor we can see?
If we allow the murder of unborn children “too likely” to grow up uneducated…
then how will we fix schools?
If babies can be aborted for being not perfect enough due to deformity, disease, or gender…
then who else is not perfect enough to be allowed to continue living: the old, the disabled, the terminally ill?
If we cannot welcome the stranger among us in the womb…
then how can we welcome the immigrant from another country?
If we refuse to acknowledge the right to life of the most innocent, the unborn child…
then how will we ever acknowledge the worth of the life of even the criminal on death row?
If our own children are not worthy enough to garner our protection…
then how will we work to minimize civilian casualties of war in foreign countries?
If we say that 50% of African-American babies dying by abortion is unimportant, even when that rate is drastically higher than the rate among the white population…
then how will we fight racial discrimination among the born?
All of the various social justice issues (like war, the death penalty, immigration reform, education reform, and poverty relief) are based on the idea that human life has intrinsic worth.
Read the rest HERE.
Very powerful and so true. Thanks for posting this.