There's got to be a morning after, it's always darkest before the dawn


  1. Thanks for the links. It is interesting what people are saying after last night. It was hard for me to fall asleep. I was sick to my stomach.

  2. We were ill, too, but not surprised. It is good to remember that the Church prospers during the most difficult times. A separating of the wheat from the chaff, if you will.

    Thank your for your note on my Spaces account last week... I couldn't respond to you through the MSN site! I did begin a new site on Blogspot detailing my conversion. Blogspot seems a bit more flexible than MSN... but I have soooo many photos on the other site that I hate to take it down. :(


  3. I made comment on my blog yesterday that I am oddly enough at peace after having wept over the election results. I am still outraged over what the new president-elect hopes to accomplish by way of promulgating the culture of death, but I know that everything is still in God's hands. He may not will it, but He has permitted it. We have to continue to pray, and to deepen our commitment to Him.

  4. Praying for you all from Canada, what a beautiful movie to watch after a sour and long night. I was glued to the live coverage here at home, and my teens got into the act with me, all staying up way to late of course. We must look to the bright and good, check out CA's results for extra things. ;-) I was so surprised, thought it was a shoe-in there. yes!


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