Catechism has failed many "Catholic" voters
At our homeschooling party for All Saints Day a friend made an excellent point.
We were incredulous of the "Catholics" we know who are voting for Obama....who park in church parking lots with Obama bumper stickers.
Is there a better or stronger reason for homeschooling/taking FULL responsibility for religious education of our children this friend asked? When studies come out like this one, it is clear that catechism classes are not working. Our youth need to be taught CORRECTLY, UNEQUIVOCALLY what the Catholic church teaches!
Immediately it also became apparent that this election was proof and condemnation of how the catechism of the last generation has failed Catholics. That Catholics don't know God's opinion on LIFE and how to LIVE their Catholic faith is the devil's work. How is it that we're not more outraged by the holocaust of soon to be 50 million babies?! This is the generation that created cafeteria Catholics who live hypocritically to what the Catholic church teaches. Let us pray that the grace of God will open our hardened hearts to defend the defenseless.
Amen I say to you, as long as you did it to one of these my least brethren, you did it to me. ~ Matthew 25:40
LINK to the over 100 Catholic Bishops and their election statements on LIFE issues.
LINK to a Bishop on how this election effects our Judgement Day.
LINK to why Christians can not vote for pro-abortion Obama or be complicit in the sin of murder.

The image that Cardinal Egan wants voters to consider, the 20 week old baby of which he asks, "Is there any doubt that it is a human being?
Our Church should see and address this catechism issue with firmer messages required from the pulpit to enlighten and convert the adults, they are the ones who need religious education. Our Church is failing in religious education that arms, envigorates and empowers the next generation.
Hearts on fire to LEARN and LIVE the Catholic faith is the TRUE *Change* we need.
let us storm heaven in these final hours.
ReplyDeletefr. corapi to be on EWTN 5:30pm EST today. i have a post on it.
ReplyDeleteMy cr*ppy 70's peace-love-kumbaya cathechism is exactly why I was lost for so long in my life. You are right about homeschooling, which is why we are committed to that decision 4 years in advance of our son being old enough for school (not withstanding some miracle of Catholic schooling appearing). The Catholic schools are NOT Catholic enough. In our town, where there are least a half dozen, we wouldn't send our son to any of them unless something unplanned happens or homeschooling is a total failure in our home. It makes me sick to talk to people whose children attend the Catholic schools in our town, to be told, "Oh, the priest says I don't need to go to confession because at mass we ask God for forgiveness...and that means my kid's first confession was just a cute formality." Ugh!!!!
ReplyDeleteTwo generations have been led astray since Vatican II by Liberation and Feminist theologists, and they continue to dominate the Catholic schools, religious education boards, and catechesis publishers. We must teach our children ourselves the Catholic Faith as Christ intended it to be.
ReplyDeleteThis whole catechesis crisis led me to Catholics United for the Faith. They have a lot of great resources.
Time to pray before the vote tomorrow.
I am preparing an email full of links to videos and documents about what our vote should be for. I hope you don't mind that I linked this blog of yours. It is wonderful and a proper addition to what I want to say to all my friends and family. Thanks!