A Great Divide in the Catholic Church?

3:54 PM
A chasm.

A great divide.

Splitting apart....can you sense it?

We are not of like mind. LINK and LINK

It's coming....

Believe or leave?

Ahead -> persecution.


  1. I have to agree with you, but I think in the end the Church will be stronger for it.

  2. Persecution is already alive and thriving around me. Not too many of my extended family are standing on the same fence as I am.

    Interesting links.

  3. Scary stuff, indeed. These were chilling words: "One bishop said that if FOCA passes Congress, one-third of the nation's hospitals (which are Catholic) might have to close if the law mandates that all hospitals must perform abortions." Pray, pray, pray! And vote for Life and Morality every chance we get. Thanks for this information, sorry as I am to read it...

  4. The gates of hell will not prevail against it.....I've got to believe this!

  5. As do I Nancy, Christ said so and Our Lord keeps his promises.

    I do believe that the heresies must stop and to become purer we will become smaller as our Holy Father Pope Benedict predicted when he was Cardinal Ratzinger.

  6. I, too, am saddened by Catholic votes for Obama. I am proud to have been confirmed many years ago by our Bishop Bruskewitz, who is famous for remaining conservative. He is, shall we say, running a tight ship here in the Lincoln diocese.


  7. I've been thinking about this post all day. It (along with another letter I recently read) reminded me of the following quote from St. Pius XI:

    "I thank God everyday that He permits me to live in the present time. One should be proud to be a witness of this mighty drama, and in a certain sense, even to take part in it. Good and evil are engaged in a tremendous battle. At the present time, no one has the right to be mediocre."

    It is sure hard to "thank God" to be living in these times, but at the same time what a great opportunity we have to become saints! :)

  8. Wow, what a post. Scary. I, too, am shocked at the Catholics who voted for Obama. I can't help but think while at Mass, which ones truly understand the weight of this. I know it's not many.


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