Where can Catholics relocate?

1:15 PM
We probably have all joked about it at one time or another.

Moving to another country...a place where Pro Life, Catholic homeschoolers can feel less at odds with their society.

Is there such a place?

A place where Life issues are valued?

A place where Catholicism (and it's pro-family tenets) is strong and vibrant?

A place where homeschooling wouldn't mark you as a target?

Is there a new world to immigrate to or just the hope of heaven?


  1. I have always thoughtI was on the wrong planet. I am not at home here even though I walk among my family and friends at this time. My home is heaven. I long for it.

  2. My dad used to dream of going somewhere, like a village where everyone was like you describe, I think it was somewhere in Iowa, and another place in Nebraska. But he decided to join the SSPX instead, I guess.

  3. Miss you Christine...

    Been wondering about your SSPX family situation Jamie.....

    Marilena, that's a shame about Canada as that is the place my children would most like to go to...


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