What is he hiding?

16 years ago
More we don't know...

This is just part of a one hour special on the personal background Obama seems to not want to share.


  1. I hope he never steps foot in the oval office as President or V.P. God help this country if he does.

  2. I got a message that the video is no longer available! Unbelievable! Youtube won't take down the Eucharist desecration videos, but they will this one...

  3. Thank you [I am literally scared $^#@-less b/c of what he stands for] I posted this on my blog as well.

    Our Lady... please pray for us. Protect our dear country for those of us who love it!

  4. Scarey!!!

    I'd like to put it on my blog, but I'm not sure that's a good idea after what I just went through!!!! Dare I?


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