To honor Our Lady

To honor Our Lady, ten of our homeschool families were able to gather and pray a rosary together for our school year around her statue.

Afterwards we shared a meal and birthday cake, even funnel cake made on the spot!

Our Lady Queen of Peace, ora pro nobis and Happy Birthday!


  1. Thanks for sharing the picture - it brought back many happy memories. I was present at the dedication of the statue (about 25 years ago now, I think) and when I was little the church had little "checks" that we children could fill out and "endorse" promising to pray rosaries for the intention of having the statue erected.

  2. How beautifuL!

    Your statue looks *just like* one at a parish in CA that we use to attend as children!

  3. Hi love2learn mom and Jessica! Thanks for commenting.

    There is a statue like this in California and CHicago too. (I think)

    The artist is local here and we've seen him make these and finally raised the money for our own. It was dedicated last year and we hope it becomes the shrine that the site in California is today!

    Every time I photograph Our Lady's statue I see in her a different expression. It's amazing.

  4. Oops - I thought it was the California one! Well, it still brought back happy memories. How beautiful!!!

  5. You lucky gal. That is a great picture of you all. Also enjoyed your trip pictures. Love all the brown eyes.


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