The Real War on Terror

16 years ago

Father Euteneuer of Human Life international writes....

"There has not been any official war declared on the terrorism of abortion. It is virtually ignored in public discourse and political campaigning, and even when it is dealt with, it is only talked about as something "controversial" and never as a substantive issue or one that needs to be addressed in all its dimensions.

The real story of international terror and extremism is not the story of Islam. It is the story of an industry that makes Islamic terrorists look like a bunch of Boy Scouts. It is not a localized war or one related simply to disputes between countries or conflicting political systems. It is an ideological war, a conflict between fundamental notions of good and evil, decency and depravity.

Click here for the full article.
As I say on my left side bar for the in utero baby....
They can't defend themselves, the ultimate little "guy" without the protection whales, seals and bald eagles have! They didn't "choose" to be where they are, yet in this active duty over 48,923,992 Americans since Roe v. Wade have lost their lives to the Abortion Indu$try. These devalued little humans are the U.S. "war" casualities of the HOLOCAUST of abortion!.... 48,923,992 DEAD...more than all the war casualites ever, added together...4,000 American lives lost a day...WHAT COMPARES????....50 million soon....
And, PLEASE watch this video at Patch O'Dirt Farm and get the word out!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for linking to my post. We are very happy that one of "our" Fathers of Mercy, Fr. Bill Bellrose,CPM, is being assigned to HLI to help with Fr. Euteneuer's important work.


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